4D Aether Theory revisits the popular 1800s concept of a ‘Luminiferous Aether’ through the lens of 4th dimensional geometry. In this way, we can identify a 4D space that satisfies the criteria of an incompressible fluid, which can transmit an electromagnetic wave (light) through the vacuum of space.
When science first began exploring the nature of electromagnetism in the 19th century, the wave-like nature of light had been fully established. However, there remained one last problem to solve. If light was a wave, then what was the medium that could transport it through the vacuum. This inspired a vigorous search for an elusive Aether, that was believed to fill the whole universe. Various models were proposed, but after extensive searching, no decisive evidence could be found to support the theory. Subsequently, Einstein’s proposal that light acted as a particle began to take precedence, as the quantised nature of reality became more apparent.
However, the wave-like nature of light could not be discarded altogether. Light held all the properties of a wave, with the exception that it appeared in quantised packets, although no medium could be found that would transport the wave through the vacuum. As a result, science adopted the view of a wave-particle duality. The theory was extended to suggest that the conscious observer was the underlying reason for this nature. This was a bold step for science, as upon accepting this theory it had taken a brave leap into the metaphysical over the scientific. The effect an observer has on an experiment is impossibly difficult to prove scientifically. Yet, in order to maintain the particle nature of light, the idea was adopted to become the most commonly accepted theory today.
However, if the Aether were to be found, then the ambiguity of the wave-particle theory would begin to fail. In order to sustain such an idea, the Aether would need to act like an incompressible fluid, and be able to transmit light through the vacuum of space without detection. Whilst this might seem a difficult set of criteria to overcome, a 4th dimensional perspective does offer an Aether solution which can satisfy these demands.
Furthermore, it can produce a logically reasoned theory of the universe that avoids quantum weirdness. Our present scientific theory fails to express concepts such as gravity. We believe that the 4D Aether Theory offers a new insight into the inner workings of reality, based on the solid mathematical foundations of geometric principles.
What is 4th dimension?
When we consider 3D forms, we can observe and measure its characteristics. A 4D shape incorporates TIME into its very substance.
The most simple of these is the Torus, or 4D Sphere. This shape is found throughout the universe as the magnetic field lines around the earth, sun, and any bar magnet.
These flow through a north, south direction and explain why magnets always exhibit a north and south pole.
The torus
Space filling polyhedra
The nature of 4D space is not only limited to the 4D Sphere (torus). Other Platonic solids such as the Tetrahedron, Octahedron, and Cube also exhibit a 4th dimensional quality.
The cube is of particular interest as it is a space-filling polyhedron. This means, is can fill space uniformly by replicating itself to create a larger cube.
The space-filling nature of the Cube means, it can completely cover the entire universe without leaving any empty space. Whereas the space in the universe is isotropic (flat or cubic), the light wave that fill space are sinusoidal, spherical. The 4D Aether unifies both types of phenomena in a geometric construct.
Space filling Cubes
What is 4D aether theory
The Aether is a medium that transports light waves through the vacuum of space. In order to achieve this, it must express the nature of an incompressible fluid. A 4th dimensional substance satisfies this criterium, and explains why no evidence has been produced to prove its existence. The Hypercube is a particular example of a 4D polytope. It can be considered as two cubes that are constantly changing places as it rotates. As time passes, each cube takes its turn to fall into the central space. As each one aligns, it renders a moment of time in the universe. Time and space are quantised phenomena. The reason for this quantisation can be ascribed to this nature of 4D space.
The hypercube
Two cubes change places over time, creating the quantisation of reality
This view also supports the idea that electricity and magnetism are part of the same phenomena. Yet, they express different qualities and are consistently off-set at 90° to each other – clearly a geometric quality.
4D space can explain this phenomenon. As each cycle of the electromagnetic wave completes, the 4D object rotates. One field, (E), moves at a 90° orientation to the second field, (B), as the wave propagates through space.
If geometry lies at the heart of electromagnetic phenomena, which in turn is the limiting factor of the speed of light, it makes logical sense that the Aether itself must be geometric in nature.
Electromagnetic Waves
The two waves are offset 90° to each other
The Model
The structure of the 4D Aether is ascertained by the examination of wavelengths from the Cosmic Microwave Background, the threshold frequencies of the Photoelectric effect, and the work function of various materials. What we find is that EM waves are scaled by √2 and √3 ratios. The notion of the musical octave and musical 5th perform similarly. This nature quantises the light wave, producing resonant peaks. These ratios, when examined from a 3D perspective, are cubic in nature as the ratios 1:√2:√3 are encoded into is sides and diagonals. This scaling factor is due to the orientation of both fields of the EM wave at 90°. When the EM wave reaches its higher peak, 1, the distance between the two peaks will be √2.
The torus
Each scale is formed of 2 Cubes, which are separated by the Rhombic-Dodecahedron. This middle form generates the template for the 4D Hypercube. The Rhombic-Dodecahedron is formed by the compound of the Cube and Octahedron. EM waves occupy the octahedral space, whereas matter and atoms tend to fall into a cubic lattice.
Evidence for the Aether
Despite that absence of interest in the Aether Theory from the mainstream scientific community, evidence for its existence dates back to when we first discovered that the speed of light was constant.
The Speed of Light
The first indication of the existence of the Aether arose when it was realised that electromagnetic waves propagate at the speed of light. The fact that the speed of light is a limited fix constant was derived from the impedance of the vacuum. It is believed that in free space, absent of atoms, there is enough energy in a single Cube of empty space to power the human race for 100 years. This incredible amount of energy, permeates the entire universe. Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, as the wave needs to overcome the magnetic and electrical resistance of this background energy.
The impedance of the vacuum
Limits the speed of light
The Cosmic Microwave Background
In 1964, scientists first discovered the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB). This proved, there was a large amount of energy that seemed to exist throughout the observable universe. Furthermore, the CMB was found to be incredibly uniform. It was only after improved measurement that slight fluctuations were found. These were subsequently modelled by computers to produce a theory that supported the CMB as a remanent of the Big Bang. The concept of the Aether was never given due consideration.
The Cosmic Microwave Background
An incredibly uniform energy that permeates the whole of the known universe.
The Quantised Red Shift
Another interesting discovery that supports a 4D Aether theory is the quantised red shift. When observing galaxies at extremely long range distances, the shift in light towards the blue or red spectrum is used to determine if the object is moving towards or away from the observer. However, upon closer examination, the Red Shifts of some galaxies appear to be quantised into discrete bands. Just as light at the quantum level can be seen to appear at specific energy levels. The 4D Aether unifies the quantisation of micro and macro quantised phenomena, through the application of simple fractal geometry, and geometric principles.
The quantised Redshift
discrete energy bands found in distant galaxies
Quantum Foam
At the turn of the century, the theory of Quantum Foam started to take shape when gamma radiation from photons ejected from the nucleus of a distant galaxy seemed to arrive at slightly different times. This would indicate that the speed of light was not constant. However, an alternative theory emerged called ‘Quantum Foam’. This sees the fabric of space-time at the Planck scale existing as a bubbling froth of activity. The hypothesis offers a solution to dark matter, as it suggests that the expansion and contraction of space-time could compensate for the discrepancy of the expanding universe theory, and the absence of dark matter needed to justify it.
quantum Foam
Virtual particles that disobey the laws of physics
What does 4D Aether Theory Solve?
The idea that light can act as both a wave and a particle quickly develops many paradoxes that can only be resolved by forming conclusions that rely on probabilistic and metaphysical constructs. Concepts such as the observer effect, wave-particle duality, the quantisation of light and the atom, are all explored from the perspective of particle behaviours. Yet, once the Aether is established, all of these bizarre quantum nuances disappear, to be replaced with the logical nature of geometric principles.
Why Is Reality Quantised?
The initial reason for the introduction of the photon was derived from the failure of classical mechanics to predict the frequencies of electromagnetic waves for black body radiation, particularly above the ultraviolet spectrum. The problem was resolved by the Planck Constant, which defined each wave as only being able to exist at specific energy levels. The 4D Aether resolves this problem by the 4D geometric nature of space, and the nature of musical resonance. This 4D fabric creates quantised waves as 4D space completes a rotation.
Ultra Violet Catastrophe
The quantisation of light
Photoelectric effect
When light is beamed onto a surface it can dislodge electrons from the material causing an electrical charge to flow through a circuit. This is best observed in metallic substances, and normally most apparent in the UV light range, which is proportional to the intensity of the light. However, the effect is limited to light waves above a threshold frequency. By examining the frequency and work functions of different materials, we find that when multiplied and squared, the result is the speed of light divided by 2. This suggests that energy in not responsible for the effect, instead it is the size of the light wave (wavelength and frequency) that is the prime mover. The 4D Aether Theory resolves this by providing a geometric structure to light waves, which is responsible for their quantised nature
The Photoelectric Effect
Wave-Particle duality
The idea that light needs to exhibit the qualities of a particle is derived solely from the fact that we have no identified medium that can carry the wave through the vacuum of space. However, the re-introduction of light as a particle is also not a complete solution, for it still exhibits wave-like properties in all other regards. The 4D Aether can explain the propagation of light through the vacuum, whilst maintaining the quantised effects of electromagnetic waves. This disposes of the need to explain the exact mechanism by which a wave can collapse into a particle, without stepping into the metaphysical idea of the observer effect.
Much of the concepts of relativity rely on the idea of a photon of light moving through a 3D space. However, the 4D Aether employs a completely different concept, whereby time is rendered into existence in ‘frames’ that are metered by the rotation of 4D space. This concept begins to radically alter the present theories of space and time, opening up a new field of study; Geo-relativity.
Right at the heart of the difficulties facing the mainstream scientific view is the idea of gravity working at quantum scales. The problem of quantum gravity describes the major discrepancy between relativistic and quantum physics.
Whilst Einstein’s ideas were revolutionary in this field, the notion of gravity appears incompatible when viewed at the microscopic scales of the atom. The 4D Aether lays the foundation for a solution to this disturbing problem, based on the nature of geometry. Just as quantised states are maintained at specific energy levels, so the pattern of quantisation continues at all known scales of the universe.
The 4D Aether replaces the concept of wave-particle duality, with a geometric theory of space. This resolves many of the problems facing current quantum thinking, and offers a new perspective on the nature of the energy found in the vacuum of space.
In this introduction, what we have shown is that:
- 4D objects contain within them the nature of time-space, and so are to be considered space-time objects.
- The cosmic microwave background, virtual particles or quantum fluctuations in the vacuum density, and the concept of the Luminiferous Aether, are all the same thing.
- The Aether is a 4D substance, which satisfies the criteria of being an incompressible fluid in the 3rd dimension of space.
- It is the quantisation of 4D space that is responsible for light ‘travelling’ in quantised packets. This satisfies the Ultraviolet Catastrophe and Black Body problem without the need for a photon particle.
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