The Zero Boundary divides the infinite sets of positive and negative numbers, and is defined by the process of division.


The number zero appears at the center of the number line. Whenever a number is divided, it will reduce in quantity, yet it will never cross the zero boundary. This is only true of the nature of division and not the other mathematical operators: addition, subtraction and multiplication. This fact distinguishes the process of division from all other mathematical operators.

KEy Points

  • Zero sits at the center of the number line, dividing positive and negative number space
  • The division of a number diminishes towards zero but will never cross the zero point
  • This is evidence that the number zero is not nothing as it exhibits a quality that is able to place a boundary on the infinite



Zero at the centre of the Number line

Let us consider the number line. We find at the centre the number ZERO, from which the infinite series of positive and negative numbers extends in two directions. We can mark out evenly spaced points to define the set of negative and positive whole numbers.

Infinite Negative

Infinite Positive

Remember! Many phenomena in life are found to exhibit dualistic properties. Such as light waves, electrons, and charge.

Zero sits directly in the centre of the number line. It divided the two sets of infinite positive and negative numbers. It is this quality of ZERO that is the first key point.

Key point

Zero sits at the centre of infinity

The same can be said of all regular shapes and polyhedra. Each has a centre point that we call zero. What is more, we suggest that the zero at the centre of a number line is not the same zero that site at the centre of a triangle, square, or even a cube.

Each type of shape exhibits its own unique zero point, which is defined by the number of vectors drawn to meet each point. So in the case of the square, this is 4 vectors in 2D space. Whereas a tetrahedron is 4 vectors in 3D space. Each zero at the centre is different, yet related to each other through the laws of geometry.

In the case of the number line, we are limited to one dimensional maths, and so the zero exhibits its specific properties. As the line is a fundamental geometry from which all other shapes and polyhedra are formed, we can examine the properties of ZERO for this dimension, before we apply the concept to higher dimensional forms.

4 Mathematical Operators

At the heart of all Mathematics is the notion of 4 types of numerical operators; addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

So let’s have a look in more detail at the simple mathematical operators and see what they can tell us about the nature of zero and infinity.

Back to Basics

Addition and Subtraction

Starting from ZERO, we can add units and move up the number line (to the right). Similarly, we can subtract a quantity and the point on the number line will move up back towards the negative. Addition and subtract then can be seen as two opposite functions, moving towards either the infinite positive or the infinite negative side of the number line.

This is a fairly common understanding that most people are familiar with.

You sit at the Zero Point of your own reality

Addition and subtraction ‘moves’ an object left or right on the number line


Now let’s look at multiplication. Notice this time we cannot start at ZERO, as when zero is multiplied by any number we will always come up with… zero.*

The same can be said of the number one. So instead we will start at number 2. We can multiply 2 by any number and create a numerical number series, 0, 2, 4, 8, 10 and so on*. If we begin with a positive number the value will increase towards the positive (to the right), and if we start with a negative the direction changes, and moves to toward the negative (to the left). Notice that the number will never decrease in value.

*This is actually the first clue that demonstrates the difference between addition / subtraction and multiplication / division, and its relationship to infinity.

Multiplication ‘moves’ an object toward either end of the number line


Just as multiplication increases toward infinity larger positive or negative numbers, so division diminishes; But to where?

When we divide a value indefinitely, we find that a smaller and smaller portion will always remain. This means that the number will never be able to cross the zero point.

What we have glimpsed is the nature of infinity that is express as a boundary either side of Zero. We call this type of infinity ‘Infinity IN’, as it diminishes toward ever smaller versions of itself.*

Division ‘moves’ an object toward the Zero boundary

Key point

Division defines the zero boundary



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So what does this tell us about infinity?

What we have uncovered is the very first mathematical boundary, which holds the capacity to separate the two sets of infinite positive and infinite negative numbers. This begins to radically shift our perception of the number zero. For in order for two distinct boundaries to exist, one on either side of the number zero, points to the fact the zero is not nothing.

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How can nothing exhibit a boundary?

For between two boundaries, there is always a space in between.

Albeit, so infinitely small we would never be able to perceive it, even mathematically.

Carry On Learning

This article is part of our new theory, ‘Maths of Infinity
Read the main article or browse more interesting post from the list below


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Lucy Howells
LUCY - Teacher

What about when you use a negative number as the mathematical operator, doesn’t that change things?


When you use a negative number we call that ‘changing polarity’. You can find out more about that on on our post ‘the zero of equilibrium and balance‘.


Great post, but I don’t quite get what a ‘Boundary’ actually is?


A boundary is a limitations. The universe is constructed from limitations,such as the speed of light. You can find out more about this on our post ‘ The boundary of infinity’.

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