The 4D Electron Cloud
The electron cloud is normally thought about in terms of the probability of the particle. However, our notion of a 4D Aether dispenses with this notion, returning a sense of normally to atomic physics.
The electron cloud is normally thought about in terms of the probability of the particle. However, our notion of a 4D Aether dispenses with this notion, returning a sense of normally to atomic physics.
Why is it that lasers are so powerful, they can cut through sheet metal. In this article, we examine their nature from the 4D wave perspective, which provides new insight into how we might be able to extract energy from the vacuum of space.
The wave model of matter was established in the 1920s, yet has always been accompanied by the belief it can also act as a particle. In our new 4D view clearly defines the notion of mass and charge that is presently missing from the mainstream scientific perspective, offering an intriguing insight into the underlying foundations of reality,
Central to quantum physics is the notion of wave particle duality. However, the concept of a photon particle of light is not needed if the Aether that can transmit the wave through the vacuum can be established. By adopting a 4D view, we are able to achieve this, which is set to revolutionise our view of the universe, from the atom, to electrical generation.
The concept of the photon is based on our present solution to the photoelectric effect. However, this solution cannot be true, as the speed at which electrons are released into the circuit is much faster than the interactions between a photon and an electron. Our new 4D solution shows that it is the geometry of light and space that are actually responsible for this effect, ushering in a new theory of energy generation, extracted from the vacuum of space.
When the classical interpretation of electromagnetism failed observational measurements of black body radiation, the Planck constant offer a solution to the Ultraviolet Catastrophe that suggested light was quantised into packets. However, an alternative solution can also be found in the nature of harmonic resonance.
The idea of Quantum Foam suggests that at the smallest scales of reality, tiny energy fluctuation are present. These virtual particles are key to understanding the universe, yet seem to violate the laws of nature.
The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation discovered in 1964 is ascribed to the remnants of the Big Bang. Yet, correlations to the atom suggest it is it more likely the energy in the vacuum, the Aether field, which undermines the notion of a photon of light.
The presiding scientific theory of the beginning of the universe is the big bang? Yet, despite wide acceptance, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggests it never happened.
The universe is limited by the speed of light. But why is it constant? The reason is simple to explain using geometry, which lays a new foundation for understanding reality.