Did Big Bang happen?
The presiding scientific theory of the beginning of the universe is the big bang? Yet, despite wide acceptance, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggests it never happened.
The idea of Quantum Foam suggests that at the smallest scales of reality, tiny energy fluctuation are present. These virtual particles are theorised to be coming in and out of existence at time frames so quick we have thus far been unable to measure them. In this article, we will explore the concept from the perspective of the 4D Aether, and suggest the mechanism by which they might manifest.
The vacuum of space is filled with energy. Electromagnetic fields, gravitational waves, and the Cosmic Microwave Background, all contribute to create an energetic soup into which everything in the whole universe is immersed. This is called the Quantum Field. Yet, where does all of this energy come from.
At the smallest scales of reality, it is suggested that spacetime acts like a kind of quantum foam, bubbling away at speeds so quick we are unable to measure it. These quantum fluctuations are even present in the vacuum of space. If this is the case, then it offers a new theory that can transmit light through the vacuum of space, without the need for a photon particle of light. Termed the Aether by the scientists of the 19th century, it was never proven to exist by the experiments conducted in the day. However, over 100 years later, we are at last beginning to explore the universe at scales never before possible. Could it be that the concept of a quantum foam could be the missing Aether Field? If so, then it would begin to radically alter the foundations of modern physics.
In this article, we explore the concept from the perspective of a 4D Aether. Based on the geometric principles of 4th dimensional polytopes, we begin to see that many of the problems associated with the traditional idea of the Aether begin to resolve. This opens the door to a new understanding of reality, formulated through logical reasoning.
Yet the energy of reality is quantised into discreet packet, each with a specific energy value. In fact, it is the nature of ‘quantised reality’ that allows for the mathematics of science to be enacted with such precision, and which gives rise to the various scientific constants. The speed of light (c), Elementary Charge (e), the mass of the electron or proton. All of these are defined quantised units. So, why should we suppose the nature of quantum foam should be any different?
Whilst it is completely accepted that reality is quantised, the exact mechanism that should create this is far from understood. Traditionally, the Photon is described as a ‘wave packet’ which can only travel through space at a finite speed. It is this limitation of the speed of light that leads to the nature of causality and time. The electron cloud surrounding the atom is also quantised, and even the periodic table of atoms is defined in units of protons, which go on to create the whole of the universe.
From this view, quantisation represent a regular interval. Whole number units. This is similar to the idea found in music. We can place a number of musical notes on a staithe. If we remove any that are not in key, and then quantise the remaining notes, the chances are it will begin to take on a musical quality.
Reality is the same. From an infinite number of possible atom types, only 81 go on to form stable atoms. All other atoms will decay out of existence over time. Then we find that each of the atomic types is quantised, so that the electron shell can only contain certain energy values. They can only fall at specific intervals around the nucleus.
A similar principle can be applied to the nature of space. There are only 5 regular Platonic Solids, which, including the sphere, limits the geometric nature of 3D space. These shapes form the foundation for 6 types of 4D regular polytopes, plus the torus. Therefore, regular 4D space is also limited to just 6+1 types of shape. A 4D polytope is often represented as one shape that nests inside another. In the example of the tesseract, we can see that its form is based upon the cube. One cube sits inside the other, and as the shape rotates, the two cubes swap places. In this way, we say that 4D shapes are spacetime objects. They have a dualistic nature that switches from one shape to the next over time.
In the image above, we can see that the Tesseract exhibits a cube at its centre. As it rotates, the cube swaps places with the outer cube. This creates quantised moments of time. We call this 4D quantisation, which is driven by the rotation of the polytope on its w-axis. From the perspective of the 4D Geometric Universe, this mechanism is believed to be the foundational reason for the quantisation of reality, that is also the very reason for the exactness of mathematical science, and the reason for the existence of scientific constants.
The idea that space is filled with energy is a well excepted idea in physics. Whilst some describe this as a quantum probability field, others define it through particle iterations. In the atom, electrons each exhibit an electromagnetic field, which push and pull them apart. Yet, at the foundations of this field are even smaller virtual particles.
These quasi non-existent phenomena seem to exhibit all kind of strange qualities, such as vastly large amounts of mass, to travelling backwards in time. Whilst they have evaded direct detection, their effects have been experimentally evidenced. The Casimir Effect is one example. Two metal plates that come into proximity of each other are found to be pushed together. It is suggested that this is because the wavelength of virtual particles will also vary. Only particles with a short enough wavelength will be able to appear between the plates, and therefore there will be more virtual particles outside, which act as a force pushing them together.
A second example of the effect of virtual particles comes from the fact that the electromagnetic field of the electron is disturbed by a small degree. Virtual particles are the solution presented by perturbation theory, that tries to simplify complex wave equations in order to model the complexities of quantum wave mechanics. Richard Feynman used the notion of virtual particles when he constructed his system of expressing complex quantum physical properties. The Feynman diagrams are a collection of fundamental interactions, that can accurately predict particle behaviours.
Whilst some particles are considered real, as the field has been directly measured, virtual particles are only ever found between the interactions of two particles. Types of virtual particles include, bosons and photons, positrons and neutrinos. In the Feynman Diagrams, they are therefore only ever found to represent a ‘bridge’ between two particles. Yet this is still a relativity simplistic view of their nature. For they are in fact the substance of the quantum field of reality itself. This video offers a great explanation of the reasoning and nature of these mysterious objects.
One of the most misunderstood concepts in quantum theory is the idea of spin. For many people, the concept suggests the rotation of a 3D object, like a particle that rotates in space. However, in quantum physics, the idea relates to the quality of the object itself. A particle with a spin value of 1 can be rotated in 3D space in the usual manner. After one rotation of 360°, the particle will have returned to it original position. However, for a particle, such as an electron that exhibits a half spin, two rotations are required to equate to a single ‘rotation’ of the object. Whilst this concept seems to defy logic from the perspective of 3D space, when viewed as a 4th dimensional object it makes perfect sense.
In the above image of the hypercube, we can imagine that a single rotation will swap the position of the pair of cubes. On the second rotation, the cubes swap places again to arrive back at the original configuration. It has completed a 720° rotation on the w-axis, to ‘rotate’ 360° in 3D space, just like an electron.
Viewed from this perspective, we begin to comprehend the 4th Dimensional nature of the Quantum Field. The spin values of particles simply represent the rate at which the 4D object performs a complete exchange of its ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ form. Whilst we have used the concept of a hypercube in this example, the same concept can be applied to the torus, or any other type of 4D polytope. In our new exploration of the 4D universe, we term this ‘4D Rotation’, which governs the temporal relationship between all particle interactions in the universe.
The idea that at the foundations of reality there is an energy field which exhibits properties that cannot be defined through scientific observation, suggests that we might not be dealing with a 3D entity. Just as a person who lives in a 2D world can not fully experience an object in a 3D world, a 4D object can not be directly measured in its entirety by 3D measurement. However, we can deduce its nature through mathematical reasoning. Geometry follow a set of highly defined laws.
The quantum field is similar. We can deduce the qualities of virtual particles through their interaction with other particles. By mathematical observation, virtual particles can exhibit a large amounts of mass, termed ‘off-shell’. Yet quite where this excess energy should be derived from is somewhat of an enigma. Clearly, if this is the case, they are able to defy the laws of conservation. Energy from nothing.
However, from the perspective of the 4th dimension, the origin of this energy can be explained as a 4D object passing through a 3D space. To clarify this, we can imagine that a 3D object such as a sphere can be passed through a 2D plane. At the point of first contact, a dot will form. As more of the sphere passes through the 2D plane, the dot will expand into a circle. After the halfway point, this circle will begin to decrease in size, returning to a dot. It appears as if the size of the circle, ‘energy’, is created from nothing. However, in truth, we are only measuring the volume of a single slice of the sphere at a particular point in time. The volume of the sphere never changes, yet appears to manifest out of nothing.
This model provides a simple logical solution to the fact that virtual particles seem to appear out of nothing. In this example, we have looked at a 3D object passing through a 2D plane. When we extrapolate this into the 4th dimension, we begin to solve for even more conundrums of the quantum field.
A torus is a 4D object that can comes in three main types. The ring torus is most commonly recognised, which exhibits a hole as its centre. The Horn Torus is where the size of the mid-hole disappears completely, i.e. diminishes to the size of a dot. The Spindle Torus exhibits a centre that ‘overlaps’ forming a particular shape at its centre.
Each of these Torus Types can be mapped onto a 2D image that emerges from a simple compass construction. The Vesica Piscis is formed of two equal sized circles that overlap so that the circumference of each defines the other’s centre point. The Seed of Life arises by placing five more circles where the nodes of the circles overlap. The pattern can be expanded further by adding 12 more circle to the outer nodes to form the Flower of Life.
These 2D images are well recognised as the blueprint of creation, as by connecting the nodes we can create three out of the five Platonic Solids, which are the only regular 3D polyhedra. What is not so well recognised is that they also form the blueprint for the three types of 4D torus.
The fact that the Seed of Life maps only three out of five Platonic solids is not readily recognised by most people, even those who have studied the tenants of Sacred Geometry. Yet this limitation is one of the keys to understanding the geometric system of reality. In our new theory of Atomic Geometry, we are able to generate the most accurate model of the electron cloud, that outperforms the traditional model by over 500%, in terms of atomic radii for some atoms. To do this we employ the Cube and Octahedron, for the D and P orbital types, which are the foundation for 57 out of 83 stable elements. The Tetrahedron appears as 4 of the elements in the F-orbital types. Therefore, 61 elements are comprised of these three Platonic Solids. It is an interesting fact that element 61 just happens to be unstable, the reason for which are explained in our theory of Harmonic Chemistry.
The torus is a 4D sphere, and as such is the simplest to observe from our three-dimensional reality. Just as all 4D forms, the torus contains a time component, which explains the quantised nature of reality. When projected in 2D, the ring torus produces an expansion from the circle at its centre, to the circle around its circumference. The horned torus only exhibits a point at its centre, whereas the spindle torus has an inverted circle at its centre, i.e. negative space. We can call this the ‘expansion’ ratio.
The torus performs a 4D rotation, whereby its inner form ‘swaps’ places with its outer, in an ongoing cycle. This constitutes the ‘time component’ of the torus. All 4D forms exhibit a time and space component, and unlike 3D objects are in constant fluctuation.
The same can be said of the vacuum of space. In fact, virtual particles are sometimes referred to a ‘Vacuum Fluctuations‘. Reality exhibits a dualistic nature that has its foundations at the microscopic scales of existence. Electrons, for example, are found to form pairs of up and down spin. The same can be said of virtual particles. These are often defined as particle and antiparticle pairs. In their short-lived existence these are thought to separate into two briefly, before recombining, the act of which causes the particle to annihilate. The reasons as to why this should be is somewhat of a mystery. Yet, a simple solution is found once we adopt a 4d solution.
Just as in our previous example, we passed a 3D sphere through a 2D plane, we can perform exactly the same with a 4D torus. When we do, we find that the first point of contact will form a circle that is at the halfway point between the inner and outer dimension. In the example of the ring torus, as the form passes through the plain the circle will divide into two, until the halfway point is reached. At this point, the torus will form two rings on the plain, in accordance to its ‘expansion ratio.
Here we can see the circle expands to create a ring. The other two types of torus will act slightly differently. The hole as the centre will instead close up. In the case of the Spindle torus, the hole at the centre will close faster than that of the horned torus, due to its ‘negative space’ at its centre. Both of these other toruses will therefore form a completed circle, with the spindle torus maintaining the circle for a longer period of time, as the negative space at its centre passes through the plain.
Unlike the sphere, the torus exhibits a form that changes when it is rotated around an axis. These are called degrees of freedom. For example, a 2D space has an x and y axis, and a rotation, left or right, and so has 3 degrees of freedom. A 3D space has an x, y, and z, so three directions of movement, and three types of rotation. However, a sphere rotated in 3D space maintains its circular shape. An egg when viewed from its underside will appear to exhibit the same shape. However, if it is rotated so that its point becomes observable, only then will its true form become apparent.
As the rotational degrees of freedom do not change the shape of the sphere, we cannot know in which direction it is rotating. It is this quality that allows us to perceive the sphere in 4D. The torus does exhibit 2 rotational degrees of freedom, just like the egg shape.
This means that, unlike the sphere, we can pass a 4D torus through the plain in different orientations, each of which will produce a different pattern. We can take the example of the ring torus rotated on its side to demonstrate this difference. As the torus first touches the plain, it will form a single dot as it passes through the plain, this will expand into an oval shape. Then, when the central ring touches the plain, a dot will appear at the centre of the oval. The torus continues the dot expands to divide the oval into two circles, as it reaches the halfway point. This process will reverse as the torus continues to pass through the plane, whereby the two circles recombine to form an oval, that subsequently diminishes into a dot again before disappearing.
What we have just described is the formation of a pair of virtual particles. As the torus reaches the halfway point, so two circles are formed. This example is expressed on the 2D plane. However, in 3D, each circle will represent a sphere. The particle and antiparticle. It is important to realise the deep significance of this explanation of particle pairs as a geometric function. Traditional scientific models can offer no explanation as to why particles should form in pairs. The idea that the particle is annihilated by an antiparticle is now resolved as a function of geometry. In this way, the two are in fact the same phenomena. This means that the weirdness of the quantum world is suddenly resolved, in such a way, that the average person can quite easily comprehend the issue, without the need to resort to complex mathematical equations that try to map the nature of the quantum field through the combination of all possible outcomes. Instead, the complexity of quantum mechanics is now reduced to the simple orientation of a 4D torus that passes through a 3D space, which is at the foundation of the entire universe.
Electromagnetic waves are spherical in nature. Light emits from a single point equally in all directions, propagating at the speed of light. A perfect sphere. These electromagnetic waves are formed of two types of field (B and E) that are offset by 90°. As light wave has zero mass, it only has two types of polarisation, left or right-handed spin. However, virtual particles do not necessarily conform to this nature. As pointed out previously, they can exhibit a large amount of mass that violates Einstein’s mass energy relationship. These ‘massive’ virtual particles exhibit properties of spin, and can exhibit longitudinal polarisation in the direction of which they travel. Traditionally, longitudinal waves are associated with the propagation of sound, which cannot be polarised. Yet virtual particles seem to be able to violate these rules. Yet, when perceived from the 4th dimension, a logical explanation for this begin to become apparent. As the torus penetrates 3D space, so two spheres are created. When they become aligned in series, we see that it produces the effect of a polarised longitudinal wave.
It is worth pointing out that Light waves are also described as wave packets. This is called a photon. Yet, the concept of longitudinal polarisation is never attributed to this nature. However, there is no logical foundation for us not to consider the photon packet as exhibiting longitudinal polarisation. In fact, once we do accept this nature, even light itself can be treated as a 4th dimensional object. The only difference then between an ‘off-shell’ virtual particle and the wave packet of light, is that the length of the chain of 4D objects that constitute the packet of energy.
Electricity is probably one of the most signifiant discoveries of the last 200 years. This ability for us to produce energy at will and power circuits has laid the foundation for our modern civilisation. It is quite surprising then that the majority of people have completely the wrong impression about how electric circuits actually work. Most people believe that electricity flows through the wire.
Some people have realised that electricity can be found to flow along the outside of the wire. Whilst is it true that the electromagnetic field can be detected around the outside, this is not because the electricity is flowing through it. In fact, this is because the wire is absorbing energy of the field disturbance created by the power source. In other words, the quantum foam of virtual particles is disturbed by the electrical power source, which is absorbed across the entire circuit.
Therefore, in order to understand electricity, we must gain a holistic view of the entire circuit. As energy is released into the quantum field, so the connected circuit absorbs the imbalance to produce energy that powers our electrical devices. Whilst this idea has been fully established scientifically, the mechanism by which the quantum field can achieve this is still has no solid foundation. Yet, the solution of a 4D quantum foam does provide a logical answer. The energy released from the battery is absorbed into the quantum field surrounding it through a 4D mechanism. The connected circuit provides the point of least resistance for the return of the imbalance. Unlike 3D space, both time and space are unified within a single 4D object. Each quantum of energy absorbed as a virtual particle around the battery is connected in spacetime to the magnetic field that surround the circuit. This allows the quanta to energise the entire circuit. Electricity is simply the result of a disturbance of the 4D quantum field which is unified by the electromagnetic field, both of which pervades the entire universe.
Electromagnetic waves and virtual particles exhibit differences in the distance that they can travel. Electromagnetic waves can travel from vast distances. We can receive light from stars that are thousands of light years away. Virtual particles on the other hand travel minuscule distances, measuring only a few wavelengths, which is one of the reasons they are so hard to detect. However, we can measure their effect.
An antenna can project an electromagnetic wave which can transmit information, such as those used in radio, and mobile phones. The energy that surrounds the antenna is filled with virtual particles. This energy field is cancelled out due to interference and so only travels over a single wavelength. However, when we examine the shape of that causes this interference, we can see that is it formed of a torus.
The Magnetic Field (B) forms a circular field around the antenna, which confines the Electric field (E) within the local area of the antenna. This torus form is a result of the 4D quantum foam, not the electromagnetic wave. This is a subtle but often misunderstood difference. Just like the energy that surround the electrical circuit, the near field torus has the capacity to contain and limit electromagnetic energy. This quality is derived from the ‘shape’ of the virtual particles, which is not the same thing as the electromagnetic wave, which exhibit a 90° off-set. Electromagnetic waves can travel through vast distances of space. In our theory of the 4D Aether, we suggest that this is due to the fact that EM waves are a function of the hypercube. To explain this, we need to realise that a cube is the only Platonic solid that can fill space uniformly, i.e. without leaving any gaps. The same cannot be said of a sphere. This is the reason why the near field can only reach the distance of a single wavelength, whereas the hyper-cubic EM wave extends into infinity.
Here we can see the Cube can fill 3D space perfectly, which allows the EM wave to propagate to infinity. Whereas the torus does not fill 3D space, which generates a particle pair which can only travel the distance of a single wavelength. This revolutionary idea can be summarised as this.
The Torus field contains and limits the energy in the vacuum to a localised single wavelength. It can also translate the field into the Hyper-cubic plain, which is able to transmit the wave packet across the vacuum of space at the speed of light. As first, this might be difficult to believe, as the idea completely revolutionises our view of electromagnetism. However, we also find that the concept is supported by the mathematics of geometry, which is found in the qualities of the EM and quantum field. It explains why the E and B fields of the EM wave are situated at 90°.
In terms of the transmission of an EM wave from an antenna, we find there is a certain mathematical correlation that support this theory. The value for the near field (torus) distance is proportional to the wavelength generated by the signal. This is found by dividing the wavelength by 2π. This is termed the reactive portion of the near-field region that has a radiative portion of one wavelength. After this, there is the transition zone that covers the range of the second wavelength, after which the far-field region of the EM wave begins to transmit. From the perspective of 4D, we can view this as the transition from the Torus to Hyper-cubic dimension.
The mathematical relationship of the near to far field transition can be mathematically demonstrated through simple geometric equations. The surface area of the torus is defined by the equation (2π x R) x (2π x r), where R is the radius from the centre of the torus to the middle of the outer ring and r is the radius of the ring itself. In the case of the ‘Flower of Life’ ring torus, this produces a surface area of 2π². At the centre of this torus, a sphere can be placed with a radius of 0.5. The surface area of a sphere is calculated by the equation r2 x 4π, where r is the radius of the sphere. When we divide the surface area of the sphere by the surface area of the torus, we get 1/2π, which is the value for the reactive part of the near field region.
Whilst this is quite a remarkable solution to the reasons for the size of the reactive part of the near field region, what is even more amazing is that the value 1/2π also happen to be the same value as the constant for Electrical charge (e), express in our theory of Dimensionless Science. This important scientific constant defines the charge value for the proton and electron. Reality is quantised in units based on this number. It is interesting to note that the reasons for the reactive near field region is traditionally explained due to electrical interference. However, to date, no theory has been able to provide a logical solution as to why this relationship should exist. More information on the nature of the electrical charge constant and its relationship to the quantum field can be found on our post on the Cosmic Background Radiation, which begins to reveal its connection to our new theory of the 4D Aether, casting extreme doubt on the traditional view that it is merely a relic of the Big Bang.
The transformation of the near field wave to the EM wave has a simple geometric expression. To explain this, we need to examine the transition of space in terms of the expansion of the torus. Previously we saw how there are three types of regular toruses, spindle, horned, and ring. Each one is mapped onto the expansion of the Flower of Life tapestry. The Vesica Piscis forms the spindle torus, which exhibits a ratio of 3 units across, with a circle radius of 1. As the pattern expands to form the Seed of Life, the horned torus is formed. This measures 4 units across, and forms the blueprint for three Platonic solids. Subsequently, the ring torus is formed from the Flower of Life, which measures 6 units across. At this point, something quite remarkable occurs. The three Platonic Solids can now be drawn as a nested set.
Notice that the tetrahedron is presented as a Star-tetrahedron, and as such defines the corners of the cube. Whereas the Octahedron defines the centre point on each of the cubes faces. Additionally, we find that in 3D the Flower of Life represent the Cuboctahedron, that is the only solid that can nest spherical space in 3D. To complete this model, a second larger Octahedron can be compounded with the cube to form the Rhombic-Dodecahedron, which is the 4th dimensional blueprint for the Hypercube. Just as the Octahedron is the dual of the Cube, so the Rhombic-Dodecahedron is the Dual of the Cuboctahedron. The Geometric solution for the transformation of toroidal to hyper-cubic space is perfectly express by the fundamental law governing the geometry of 3D and 4D space.
Notice that the Flower of Life has a diameter of 6 and so a radius of 3. The speed of light travels as around 300,000 Km per second. However, this is calculated from a unidirectional perspective. Once viewed correctly as an expanding sphere of light, we find the same ratio as the expansion from a sphere, radius 1, to a sphere radius 3. More information can be found on our geometric explanation for the reasons as to why the speed of light is limited on our article that covers the subject in much greater detail.
Aside from the electricity that forms within a circuit, electrical energy can also be found to accumulate on certain materials. Amber, when rubbed with a cloth, can build up an electrostatic charge. This effect was noted long before we had developed our ability to create electrical generators by moving a magnet across a wire. The explanation for static electricity is attributed to the transfer of electrons from one substance to another. This video offer a brief explanation that is taught in schools.
However, there are some problems with this simplistic explanation of static electricity. The first of these is the fact that electron exhibit a negative charge that repel each other. If two bodies in nature tend to be electrically neutral, then why should electrons ‘move’ from one body to the next. What is the exact mechanism by which an electron might transfer itself. In fact, when we examine the idea of touch, we find that this repulsive nature of two electrons means that nobody actually touches anything. We are merely sensing the electromagnetic repulsion of the electrons. When two electrons come close to each other, a ‘virtual photon’ is exchanged, which prevents the two electron touching each other.
The second problem is that electrons are not particles, as is commonly taught. No one has ever managed to measure the size of an electron. Instead, we are only able to measure the electron as a point charge. Each electron is emersed in the quantum foam, which appears completely uniform in the space around the electron. For this reason, the only verifiable quality of the electron is that it appears to be perfectly spherical.
So is there a more accurate solution to the concept of static charge? The answer may be found once we examine the boundary of matter. Consider that the surface of any object exhibits a field, similar to the near field effect of an antenna. When two object are rubbed together, the friction causes an exchange of energy in the form of virtual particles. Just as electrical circuits are not powered by moving electrons, but through the quantum field. The ‘movement’ of the electron that causes the transfer of energy is always enacted through the quantum foam. Static charge is therefore based on the torus field, which differentiates it from EM waves, which are hyper-cubic.
This shift of perspective is a subtle but important one. For static charge is able to produce effects that can defy gravitation. When a person places their hand on a Van de Graaff generator, the large amount of static charge can cause the hair on their head to stand up on end. These machines can generate extremely high voltages, and are among the first particle accelerators.
If the nature of static electricity should evolve from the quantum field, as in other electrical circuits, then this might begin to explain the reasons for lightening in a storm cloud. As the cloud becomes heavy with water molecules, the quantum field can accumulate around the boundary of the water molecules. This in turn create an imbalance between the quantum field of the earth and the area in the atmosphere where the rain cloud resides.
The relationship between charged objects and gravitation has only been explored by fringe science. Thomas Townsend Brown claimed to have discovered such a connection, however his theory’s, like many others who have tried to investigate such relationships, found little interest in the mainstream scientific community, being tarred by the label ‘conspiracy theory’. However, the study of Electrogravitics has produced lightweight craft that can produce levitation effects.
The concept that the boundary of an object is maintained by a surrounding field, similar to the near-field of an antenna, is an established phenomenon. Evanescent fields are an electromagnetic phenomenon where the Poynting vector averages out to zero. This means there is no net energy flow in any direction. Current scientific thought does not distinguish between these types of field from any other electromagnetic phenomena. Yet, evanescent fields do not require the generation of electrical energy in order to manifest. Moreover, they are found at the surface boundary of all matter. These fields are able to completely reflect an EM wave, causing the surface to act like a mirror. They are sometimes referred to as a surface wave, as the direction of propagation flows along the surface of an object, but is not transmitted beyond the surface like an EM wave. Interestingly, these waves do not obey Maxwell’s Equations that govern the nature of EM waves. These particular type of waves can produce total internal refraction, and are the reason why optical fibres can transmit a signal with such efficiency.
Interestingly, evanescent field are also found in the study of acoustics, and quantum mechanics. In fact, all matter is surrounded by these evanescent waves, which produces the boundary of the various objects. Without them, there could be no distinction between the existence from one type of medium and another. They are not EM waves, as they do not conform to the same laws of propagation. From the perspective of the unified quantum field, they seem to be the mechanism that magically moves energy through the magnetic field of the spacetime continuum. Whilst considered ‘spooky action at a distance’, from the perspective of a 4D Aether, we can resolve all quantum weirdness into logical reasoning. The 4d Aether does not need to consider the nature of 3D space or time as we perceive it. Instead, each quantum energy unity maintains itself through its own temporal signature, that is unified through the magnetic field.
It is a disturbing truth that the concept of gravity has defied scientific explanation. Einstein’s theory of special relativity only works as the gravitational field has been excluded from the equations. His theory of general relativity that tried to encompass the nature of gravitation has been the greatest failings of modern scientific thinking. The same can be said of Quantum Mechanics. Presently, the holy grail of physics relies on the unification of gravitation at both the macro and microscales of existence. Thus far, all attempts have failed, leading to a range of scientific hypothesis that begin to stretch the boundary of logical reasoning. The public are told more and more bizarre ‘quantum physical’ truths, in order to compensate for this failing. Yet, could the solution actually be much simpler than we are being led to believe.
When we consider the Earth, we find it is encompassed by an electromagnetic field, which has a particular form. A torus. This exhibits exactly the same shape as the near-field region of an antenna. Once we adopt our thinking toward the fact that the whole universe is immersed in quantum foam, the reasons for this begin to take on a completely different shape. From the perspective of what we have explored, the torus field acts as an energetic container. It does not act like a normal electromagnetic wave. Instead, it forms the boundary conditions of all independent bodies in the universe. When we charge the antenna, this field becomes more prevalent, which allows for the generation and transmission of Electromagnetic waves. The transformation of the Aether that surrounds an object, into an EM wave that can propagate through space at the speed of light.
When we observe phenomena from the perspective of geometry, the concepts of electromagnetism and gravity begin to take on a complete new form. Quite simply, the Torus field acts to contain energy, whereas the EM wave, which is hyper-cubic, dissipates energy through the universe. Simple. This explains why EM fields look and act differently from the evanescent waves. The torus transforms into the hypercube.
We even have a simple model of how this can be achieved, based on the structure of the electron cloud. Our new theory of Atomic Geometry is the most accurate model of the atom that exist today, outdoing the standard model by over 500% when predicting the size of the Helium Atom. As geometry is a tactile experience that require no mathematical knowledge in order to comprehend, it is also the only model of the atom that can be created without the need for complex computer modelling.
The compartmentalised nature of the scientific industry means that concepts such as evanescent and near-field wave, and the nature of static electricity, and even the gravitation field are never considered through a single unifying concept. Similarly, we find that Quantum Foam, virtual particles, the Cosmic Microwave Background, and the exploration of gravitational are all ascribed to different departments of scientific investigation. Yet, the simple solution to all of these phenomena can quite feasibility be boiled down to that fact that we are all emersed in an Aether. When viewed from this perspective, then all quantum weirdness begins to disappear. What emerges is a logical structure based on the nature of 4D geometry.
The quantum foam permeates the whole universe. Constituted of virtual particles that have defied scientific measurement, we find that their existence is qualified by the manifestation of energetic phenomena. However, when we considered from a geometric perspective, we can reconcile the reasons for this. 4D phenomena exists beyond our 3D perception. However, through the observation of the effects of the quantum foam and its relationship to the mathematics of geometry, we can produce a coherent model that explains for the first time the ratios for the manifestation of near to far field radiation, and solve for the off-shell mass violations.
The quantum foam can be qualified by the torus form, that transforms into the hyper-cubic form to produce EM waves. This leads to a whole new understanding of electricity, and the boundary conditions that produce solid matter. Any particle with mass must therefore be contained by the torus, whereas massless particles conform to the 4D hypercube. This explains the nature of duality of electron pairs, and why they appear as perfect spheres. Additionally, we begin to reformulate the nature of gravitation based on the simple process of near field ‘shielding’ that is the product of the torus field.
The presiding scientific theory of the beginning of the universe is the big bang? Yet, despite wide acceptance, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggests it never happened.
The concept of the photon is based on our present solution to the photoelectric effect. However, this solution cannot be true, as the speed at which electrons are released into the circuit is much faster than the interactions between a photon and an electron. Our new 4D solution shows that it is the geometry of light and space that are actually responsible for this effect, ushering in a new theory of energy generation, extracted from the vacuum of space.
The wave model of matter was established in the 1920s, yet has always been accompanied by the belief it can also act as a particle. In our new 4D view clearly defines the notion of mass and charge that is presently missing from the mainstream scientific perspective, offering an intriguing insight into the underlying foundations of reality,
Got a Question? Then leave a comment below.
Do you think the mobile phones might be harmful to human health?
It is interesting to note that research on the harmful effects of mobile phones is conducted based on the power of an EM wave. If we look back in history, frequency ranges were studied, it was found that low frequency waves (LFO) can cause virus like symptoms in human beings. However, I have not seen any research into the effect of the near-field on human health. As a smartphone contains an antenna that is between 5″-7″ long, the near field will extend to between about 3/4″ to just over 1″. Also, we find that touch screen technology is founded on the interactions of the near field. That is how it works. As the near-field can exhibit off-shell energy that can be vastly greater than a simple EMF wave, it seems to me that serious research should be conducted within this region. Not just the EM wave. Personally, I try not to walk around with my mobile in my pocket, but until further research is conducted, we cannot say for sure if the near-field produced by mobile or other wireless devices poses a significant health issues fo the user.
Hasn’t the idea of electogravitics been disproven?
Actually no. In fact, I did get the opportunity to build an electrogravitic craft (Lifter), and can assure you the effect can be verified. It is the exact nature of the effect that has been disputed. Some claim it produces antigravity, whilst others suggest it is the ionisation of air that produces the levitating effects. I think it is fair to say that not a great deal of scientific enquiry has gone into exploring the electrogravitic phenomenon. Especially as it seems to be one area in which traditional scientific theory has little understanding. As you can imagine, to properly investigate the phenomena requires significant funding. If you are interested in exploring the subject, then you can find out more here