Benjamin Rotzbüll

The Offline Retreat is the perfect combination to find a way to recharge your batteries and be ready to learn a new way of seeing through the Sacred Geometry, as it can show nature's very obvious blueprint. I knew only a little about sacred geometry before and what I was to find out that we all know these things and feel them, we can just not describe them. I found that a lot of things can be seen differently aside our trained brains. They seem to know everything you ask them, and they even know where everybody's knowledge is at, so when you walk up to them aside the workshop they just catch you where you understood the last thing. ; ) Just walking around after this course makes clear to me how easily we can change the way we look at things to be able to change the things we look at!

Dr. Benjamin Rotzbüll

Medical Doctor

Emily Flaherty

I am a In2Infinity Sacred Geometry Teacher level 1. I did my training with Colin and Heike this season in...

James Thomas

It was amazing to attend some of the In2infinity workshops and have the opportunity to gain such profound and in...

Eveline Van Kampen

I met Colin in the Algarve for an introduction to Sacred Geometry. I was fascinated and decided to do the...

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