
In2infinity Podcasts

The theory of effort

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In2infinity - 4D Maths
The theory of effort

Okay, so yeah, a few questions there. I think I should go through just a few things just to clear up a few questions we’ve had. Okay, so, yeah, basically, the first thing you have to understand is thing called we’ve got the theory of effort, which is the same as like counting the ordinal numbers, is how we count the ordinal numbers. And with a theory of effort, what happens is that as we move through, let’s say an option, let’s say like this, say we have a switch or two switches, we can throw the switch. Yeah, so we throw the switch and we says one effort and then the switch reaches now a new position in space. And so what happens is, then we can say, well, what can happen at the next step? Well, we could say, well, options are we can throw the other switch, or we can you know, and then they’ll both end up at the top, or we can throw this switch back down again. And it’ll end up at the bottom. But and so what we do is we start to calculate what what happens as we start to do this, and we just see how far we can get. So let’s now taking that concept. So we had the ease zero, which was the beginning state if you like, which was infinite infinity. Yep. So we’ve started with like an infinite something. Yeah. And then we went to E one, we divided that thing, we applied the concept of the first step. And the division, we’re at E one, and that gave us the ratio of cardinals to ordinals as being infinity two for the Cardinals and infinity minus two because we didn’t have the two zero steps are there in the Cardinals? So that’s minus two of the infinite set for for the for the ordinals, which then offsets them increase the the uniform direction of Timespace. With that, yep. So we’ve got that sort of idea. Now we’re going to move in, we’re going to take what happens we make the next step so suddenly what can happen is we can apply mathematics Can’t we we can play we can do a division again, plus or minus, we can move up and down the plus and minus line or we can do you know the square rooting which is what we said. So what we need to do is then we need from the calculations or fee to for each one of these functions, so that we can understand how the what structure we’re looking at, you know, once this once this thing happens, because simultaneous calculation allows us to do that. We don’t have to just take one direction yet with a calculation, we can take all of the possible directions and see where that leads us. And as we’re starting at such a simple point in numerical space, that seems to be fairly easy yet because we’ve only got three options. There’s actually no the multiplication Which in this case will be squaring because everything’s in balance. We’ve got the square rooting, which isn’t balanced again. And we’ve got the idea of plus or minus, which puts things, if you like, out of balance, you know, plus or minus. But that will actually lead to a collapse of the zero weight, as we said, yep. So let’s just go through that and see exactly how that works with the idea of plus and that’s to go through. So here we are, we’re going to get mu mu two e two, and we know that infinite density and we can write that down as on the on the cardinal side, infinity to ordinal side infinity, now will become minus three, because we’ve moved another step. That’s right. Yep. So one, two, yeah. So we removed another another number, if you like, yeah, because we were moved to from the E one step here. So it could boil down to balance. But as far as the Cardinals are concerned, it’s too because there’s no zero, and then we move when we move to E two, that means we get a plus one over here, which is three, so minus three infinity minus three now, so the at the initial stages before a mathematical process has occurred. Yeah, you know, as I say, we did a calculation without any mathematical process. We know that that’s where infinity to infinity minus three still remain. Now, what we need to do is have a look at that and compare that to what happens when we apply the mathematical process. Okay, so What happens when we apply plus and minus as a function is a function of either plus something or minus something yeah

so everything about them what we’re really doing with simultaneous equation is that She would plus and minus ing something simultaneous li because it’s plus or minus zero it’s not a it’s not a one and that brings it And that collapses it back to the zero point so let’s see how that works As you can see if we if we if we say like you can plus one and minus one on the other side But our infinite line expands yeah and if on The negative side one plus one and on the positive side we minus one it collapses a We get we get the the number we’re looking for in the Cardinals yeah and If we do the same within the zero space if you like we’re going to do something simultaneous we’re going to collapse both of those ones back Infinity two will suddenly be Once again To revert back to The zero if you think about it because you know reverts back to zero And we have there Basically the the the To Infinity Well to get back Back to the infinite state that we started with We’re going to need to plus two to it. So it becomes plus two, isn’t it? Yeah. So we’re going to need to times by two to get back to the infinite state of zero. So therefore, we can say, look, here, we have times two. Yeah. Is that the function on one side? And plus two is just a function on the other side, that will collapse the zeros at E two. Yeah. Obviously, we’re reversing time, in a sense, aren’t we? I think about it. Here we are at E one. And we know that the first step generated that and we want to go back, well, then we need to just divide by by two, then we need to divide that times that by two sorry, the Cardinals do B times t, take it back to infinity. And the if we plus the the time function back in, yeah, we’ll be moving back down to zero for me, too. Which means that literally, infinity minus three, and zero collapses zero and saying because we know that’s when infinity minus three came from those cardinals, but when we plus two, we’re going to collapse that back to the zero Yeah. And what happens is we collapse the zero wave and what’s what’s happening was like reality, isn’t it, you’ve got an infinite number of numbers, you you collapse that moment of time, like you know, quantum physics and all that business. yeah and that creates a set number a number which is real you know a whole real number the infinite state of the real number of the universe at any moment in time which is always different if you look around you everything all the plants everything is different right and so the reason that’s all different is because it’s an infinite state is a step towards the next infinite yeah and that’s what we’re doing with the Cardinals we’re stepping through infinities yeah sorry with the ordinals we’re stepping through It is time so we can call that 12345 And each one is a space we call that Like the you know the fractional part if you like yeah cuz an infinite amount of space each step Yep I’ve time 12345 And each step of time The infinite space can be expressed as a fraction of the Have that step yeah so so when we were First the steps to do we have to move See just remind ourselves that we’re reversing times Then vor we’re taking two of the original and that’s how we can lapse of the zero wave by collapsing the zero wave we collapse it back and As we will see later that’s how we collapse rule numbers and how Consciousness works to formulate numbers if you like So that’s the that’s the That’s the collapsing of zero Get through the addition and subtraction and what came out of that We realise Oh look there’s a times function and there’s a plus function Yep so the times function must be variable ortant because that allows us to create zeros wed zero squared is a bit of a strange concept for those people who aren’t Dealing with infinite mathematics but as we have ascertains that there’s this we’re talking about it squaring the zero the centre of plus or minus zero And when we do that what happens is is that we have too we have we know we can do that because we have Have a plus zero and a minus zero with Those are the things that we have we can multiply them together yeah And when we do multiply a negative concept With a positive concept we get a negative concept But they’re negative It cannot exist in the same space obviously as The the negatives He’s got an exhibit in a new space so what happened frenzies we square the zero and we rotate the number line In an anti clockwise yes anti clockwise day direction

that’s the direction it’s turning not in any other direction is turning In an anti clockwise direction because it has to move towards the negative and we know that negative Infinity let’s say we draw a line could be below the line with me Negative one side is put the positive Given the other side and that case if we’re going to look at numbers like that Then we should do the rotation in accordance map If you wanted to place the positive on the negative the other way round you could do that will be what we call inversion and then you’ll be rotating in the other The direction but because we placed the numbers positive on the right negative on the left that means that we going to be in an anti clockwise rotation because we’re always going to rotate towards the negative on the Y axis and that’s what’s created zero squared creates an infinity of zero square Yep we look at it like An infinity zero infinity At the centre at the top We have an X and Y wherever they are x x is going across a Y axis going up in down and then we have plus and minus zero on the wall and plus and minus zero on the x and that creates for time We have zero around the zero state to have zero and actually this is very important because This creates 2d plane and two Two dimensional mathematics can now start to emerge and so now that we Have a two dimensional mathematics we can look at what does the square root do Let’s have a look so what we’re really The saying is here if you X If you extrapolate we’ve got infinity times Too which is fair enough so that It comes to infinity square root with was going to square root zero square rooting the zero at that point and that’s going to create this kind of Numbers square around there you see what I’m saying That’s where the square roots will exist Do you swear Arrays will have to exist obviously As a function of a quadrature The nature of space that’s what actually has happen you can’t have a square root of something Without a quadrature nature yeah So what we’re going to look at after that was going to look at the square root of one where that falls in the number space okay so the square root zero That is forms this will now make us cross with a zero in the middle We got zeros on the on the edges of the cross and There’s a line that goes across there are some forms of rotate Square it’s a rotation is a rotation square and so we know that squaring yeah so look we can put zero squared The corners they’re here in the centre of sorry of the of the zero line because zero squared will wrote is the function that It takes it and actually there’s a space there isn’t it that just expands out into that number space and there’s a line that confines that space which will be transposed into the reciprocal number space between 01 Once we get to the number one but we’ll see that number zero at the moment so we’re still good We’re still within the zero we haven’t had to use any of that and Number one or anything like that just yet or have we will kind of because we’ve actually had to use those numbers in the ordinal space Haven’t we so in the ordinal space We still there but actually as far as the zero space of cardinal numbers The Infinity two we haven’t actually have to involve that too much but what that means is we can see the condition still Yeah so what we see now is that when we square root on that side we can see that the conditions for the cardinal space We’ll be square root two which will form a square numbers and and so forth but on the other side we have something called the square root now have three because remember at means that we’re in infinity minus three and if you scroll route three then three You’d want to find a square with a square root of three and Three is when we say square root and we have to what we recognise that in That’s a relationship in a triangle and so what we can do We can actually if we’d like to we can separate out the two concepts a little bit And we can place a triangle in one place vector which is like the zero will be the zero that’s missing with the three with the with this zeros with the cardinal numbers now be The square root of three yeah sorry the ordinal numbers now Seeing the square root of three which is found within the triangle function We can look at two triangles top to top The bottom for example yeah and those two triangles actually form a square if you Think about it yeah but this slightly offset slightly offset Now what’s the importance of that is that If you think about the square root of two now becoming a function of the two dimensional plane when it expands into the cube What we find is that the diagonal which is the square root of two We also need to expand in new miracles space to become the square of three which is the space to Distance between the corners of a cube as opposed to a corner of the square What we’re saying is At 82 Now we have the infant relationship at one point in the equation which has to do with the The

The square root function of zero Which collapses the function back to zero If you like the square root collapses About what plus or minus clap just things back yeah opens it We got the square root function which now is the thing to conform to dimensional space yep and we’ve got the squaring function which forms the other kinds of dimensional space which is based in pi the circle and The number six weeps through infinity from one infinity to the other we can what’s called PI infinity and that pi is a particular type of infinity Based on the square and has a relationship with that Where’s in the trial Angular infinity of the ordinal numbers is a second type of infinity that can also has a unity of Hi when we placed the triangle in a circle So We’re going to get more into all that how that works With the the the pilot Only by four pi divided by three and how functions in the timespace as we move through the core But thank you very much for your attention today and I hope that clarity Some of the mathematics of infinity surrounds the structure of number space And what we’ve tried to do is now is embody that in a little bit more of a simple geometry so you can understand so let’s just go now for the final recap up yep that we have now a two With the functions to collapse the the Numbers base back into zero we also have the function The can rotate and create the pilot to infinity of pi and we have the functions that contract form a square numbers base into Which is 2d into it 3d Number space from the perspective of infinity and we do Do that for your time function that’d be the next step If you’d like yeah we can step into that time so as function now e two we have all of those Keep up the will those capacities and We can define that then in two types of infinite set one The pie and when the dimensional set you could say The PI set which forms the dimensional numbers if you liked the first edition that come out as we rotate we create that thing it creates the pie the moment When you moved off that axis you create or a tiny tiny little bit of time Hi and then the infinite pi expansion that you don’t even need to move Any just the infant that amount of distance and you’ve Read by you don’t mean just that infinite distance around that circle all those pie but you just now Just going to expand that ratio in into you understand as a sir Depending on how you go yeah so it’s just gonna expand it Once you’ve made that motion and it’s going to come to a stop at exactly the quarter pie so quarter pie is a particular function so we draw that as a zero at the centre with the four zeros and we draw sir And we colouring one of those circles at the bottom to represent The Infinity of pi function you’ll see that that will transcend into the sphere once we make Start with the with the the But the root functions that create The 2d to 2d 3d Once we Get there we got to certify for which will create the disparate dimension you could say yeah so therefore we can understand it that that will create the whole circle its completion of yep which then elevates us then to E three yeah we haven’t even said We’ve understood the two now in the spirit of The creation of number space and E three is where We’ll move then from that into the fourth time

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