
In2infinity Podcasts

Prime number structure

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In2infinity - 4D Maths
Prime number structure

Hi, and welcome to another broadcast from inter infinity, where we’re talking about fourth dimensional mathematics. And today we’re having a little bit more more questions come through about prime numbers. So we’ll have a little bit more of decode of the prime number base 10 system. And another way we can look at it. Just to help us sort of visualise what’s going on me in the sense, where you can say is, you know, when you look at primes, what happens is is that as Prime’s progress you know, the, the numbers before it kind of block out the numbers before that, and we always see those like numbers growing in space, but actually what they are is they’re kind of base 10 grids that are forming. And these numbers are then being distorted from their original guesses based in distortion. And they appear as prime numbers to us. Because of that distortion, nothing else really. all prime numbers in Infinity come out of the number two where we keep the infinity of odd numbers for by the division of the space of even Yeah, so like if 2468 is a infinite series. When we divide that infinity into two, we create the odd number series which is an equal number of infinity. So all or is it me with the exception of the fact that zero is obviously an even number. And we suggest that infinity is also an even number, as due to the fact of what we call reciprocal space and when you hit a square function within reciprocal space any number all reduce toward zero infinitely same as a division of something to two and, but by that we can with the squaring, we can see it more obviously, because we can hit the square root and come up to the number one and that obviously, is the structure of number space. And so therefore we have like the order numbers being infinity minus two, and the even numbers being infinity in comparison, because they’ve got zero and they have infinity as well, which is another zero. Those are spatial numbers. So when we talk about those when we look about ordinal numbers yet when we talk about the first Fourth Fifth, so that is the numbers, isn’t it in between with the excluding the zero in a way? Yeah, that’s that there’s the numbers excluding those zeros. Those odd numbers, in a sense, are the ordinal numbers because the ordinal numbers start with number one, don’t em. And when we stop counting first, fourth, fifth, sixth, that’s when and some of the the whole numbers, the ordinal numbers, terminate and say Right, that’s the infinite terminated there. Because we we finished counting, finished the steps of time. And that renders that number as a complete number in that moment, because we’ve counted all the steps that lead up to that and that first step we took was the scale step. And everything expanded from there. That’s how we get this concept of measurement with numbers. So anyway, that’s a it’s a, it’s a it’s a it’s a consciousness function. You could say we can make dimension and proportion of space using it. Yep. And so it’s where consciousness meets this, this concept of space. And we use it all the time. But But what I’m trying to say is at the end of it, the bottom line is is that these numbers are in a grid that’s based in grid limits it and so when we fall into double digit numbers, they can interfere with the with the pure pattern of number Yeah, rather than so we’re gonna get distortion and by decoding that distortion and how it works, we can unravel some of that complexity and once again, then prime number code unravels with it as you increase in base and bases to infinity. Base infinity. Everything is just that space between those two numbers.

That space between the two, even numbers if you like that’s been divided to create the infinite. So that’s a little bit about the numbers. Yeah. Now let’s have a look at about base 10. Yeah, so previously, we know when we lined up the numbers there. We had naught, didn’t we? So you can see 0123456789 And those are all our numbers. But we know that actually we can eliminate certain numbers from that prime number series because four is not a prime number. So we take out eight non prime number. All of those are the evens that we were talking about come out of the two and in the sentence even to doesn’t really go anywhere does it? As far as I just as the base of all those even numbers is the only even prime so we can get rid of all the even numbers apart from two for talking about primes. And that means a prime number space can be divided into like an odd infinite and an even infinite. And then the odd infinite contains an infinite number of primes minus one. And the even infinite then becomes one prime to the contains all of that is is the root of all of those that infinite set. So that gives you a little bit of an insight into the infinite mathematics there. But what we’re going to look at now is like so the number five is also very similar because it’s because we’re at base 10. It’s kind of the midpoint. And we know that because when we divide what we look as a half is one over two, we represent the base system as naught point five. And we’re quite used to that. And actually, the number two looks like a five doesn’t it turned upside down, you know, in a way. Yeah. You could say yeah, and flipped on its head, because that’s kind of what reciprocal space is. Yeah. I wonder if someone knew about this stuff. And it just didn’t tell us anyway. Well, you could say then is this reciprocal space in whole space? Is there kind of equal equal other kind of density spaces? Yeah, and one is half the other density. So the reciprocal spaces, you could say, as far as whole numbers go, we’ve just got the norm 11.5 And we’ve got the whole number space being one VM, if you like, but we’ve also dissected that type of infinite into other types. So but we can roll with that for now. Those whole numbers are once again, they are just dissected into others infinite and so we’re going to double density on the on the function of between reciprocals and holes. But we also have a density function between evens. And when we look at primes, evens, primes, and odd primes, where there’s only one even prime so number two doesn’t go really very well. So but let’s just do this trial experiment and let us line up some of the this lineup some of these numbers. So we’re going to start with zero, right 123, then five, then seven. I’m going to put the number nine in I’m going to put in brackets, because the square of three it’s the only the only single digit number we have in the base 10 That actually works out being the square of three and actually squares or our function or layer of actually geometric function. Because of that nature geometric geometric nature of squaring. What we find is that the square of nines got a particular energy. Particular feel about if you like as we see in the Rubik’s cube and then we’re going to so we’re going to put that number no, that is not a prime, we’re gonna put that in there. Yeah. And so we started with zero actually. And if you think about the next number, often nine be 10. And because we started with zero, we can put the 10 underneath zero. Obviously 10 is not a prime, is it? No, it’s it’s an x star of the whole set. Yeah, but I just put that in there. So because we can cross out zero is not a prime either. But But generally, so that’s kind of like you zero, nothing more here. But then when we moved on and we sort of find the next set, then we have one and underneath that 11 And that kind of works out a little bit nicer way to arrange your kind of base 10 system if you’re talking about we do a little post on that, about how to count numbers. And and you know, when we see the one then just dividing into two ones. Then below that when we go to we could write another row, which would be 21 or fall in the row beneath that. Yeah, and that’s where it cancels, isn’t it 20 One’s not a prime, it’s made of three times seven. So we’re out of, we’re out of luck. They’re on our prime line net. The same if we moved over to number two, when we added the one next to that 12 That immediately becomes not a prime and there’s not a lot you can do about that. That’s four times three. And then on the three line, you could say or we have 132 3 billion or three 311 Doesn’t it breaks again, Arthur 11, isn’t it? Yeah, Levin breaks the three. So elevens breaking the three there on the three line. We don’t can’t do anything more than that when you got 13 313 23 That’s like a 012 on that, isn’t it? Yeah, we if you put think about when we say three we mean 03 quite often and when we say one we can mean 01. And that makes things a little bit clearer as well. When we talk now from from 05, then we got one five minutes, 15 years out of the question that’s,

that’s the fives are all finished now and they for subsequent primes after that because the three is just coming in with the five and just obliterated that one straightaway. So fives are out of the question. And when we come in now to numbers, seven, we’ve got 717 and two, seven or 27. That’s against associating the three isn’t it? Yeah. That one nine times three, obviously. So it’s a cube, actually cubic number. So we sometimes think of the number 27 as a cube. There’s a Rubik’s Cube. In fact, doing ops you can, that’s how you can see it. And then we go on to number nine, with little brackets around it, and we’ve got nine which is 09. But then one nine, which isn’t a prime, but then one nine is a prime and to know in his prime, but then three nine isn’t a prime no 17 times three isn’t 39 Yeah,so. So yeah, just little thoughts there about how some of that stuff works. So now if we don’t line things up a little bit underneath there, yeah, what we have there is we could say okay, so zeros out the question that say twos almost will keep two in and we’ll keep the keep the numbers in the terms in which so we can see what’s going on. So number one there, and it finishes 11 And then 21 seven times three. So let’s write seven, and then write another number three and underneath that, and that carries on for two steps. Doesn’t it? We’ve got one and 11. Then we’ve got the next one, which is just two on its own. There’s only one step and that equals the next step. was 12, wasn’t it? Yeah. Which is three, four, whatever right for stroke three on that one. For three, and then that’s that’s that one cancelled out. Then three goes 123 up to 23. But 33 cancels out because the 11 so 11 underscore, there would write three there next to that. We’ll just move on to the five 515 was out of the question straight away. We only move one place on there again. So so that’s the one there and then we’ll do that. What’s that? That’s a five and a three over that. Okay, and then we’ll move down 717 worked for 27 ended up just up to two steps, two steps again. And then that’s what that was the sorry. Oh, yeah. So 727 23 So would write nine dash three, for that one. And then we’ll go on to the last one, which was number nine itself. And as you can see, 39 we’ve managed to get two steps. Well, because number nine is not prime really. So is it three steps or two steps is one between the two. We’re not sure because that’s the breakpoint of base 10, isn’t it? Yeah. And so there’s the 919 2029 but we know he can go to 29 to 39 is not going to work. And so that’s the end of 39 So sorry, did I say I say 17? Got 13? Isn’t it? Sorry about that. 13 over three. I said 17 earlier? Yeah, that’s right. My brain. Sorry about that bill correction now. Sorry. 13 times three is 39, isn’t it? Not 17. Sorry about that. Sorry about okay. 213 was last numbers 13 over three there. And what we have now is like, if you think about it, we’ve got some very nice numbers haven’t yet. If you think about like we can count how many far down we went. So this come that number across rating. It starts with number two. Yeah. Then we’re going to go one, then we’re going to three. Yeah. Then we’re gonna go one step, maximum two steps and the maximum but starts row down but then two again. Yeah. And so that’s, you can see there that three there in the middle is the only one 313 23 That is the only one as those three three rows of primes Eric angles 01, and two on that function there. And that’s what we’re looking at there for that base 10 Because look, all of the things we talked about there. The work that terminate those Prime’s is all the number three, isn’t it? As is that isn’t it? It’s that going into thirds. And that’s what we talked about with that number eight, you know, when you’re going to third, and same with music, things start to go a bit strange and the whole number system breaks in a sense. And that’s regardless of bass because that’s just a function of the infinity of number lines being divided regardless of what you what you’re looking at here. So there’s something quite important here about these numbers here about the three what the 711 five, the nine three, actually turns out just to be 1/3. If you think about it, yeah, so that’s on the on the one on the seven on the seventh number on the seventh, any prime engine seven. And that’s quite interesting, isn’t it? Yeah, because primes end and seven. There’s quite a lot of them because it’s six plus one. And what we see there is that’s because this is number two here. Number two is actually now got 12, isn’t it? Yeah, which is four times three. But that was our the question so far, three out of the question that so. Four, three, and five, three, are both out of the question. All look 345 And there’s probably a green triangle, isn’t it? Oh, yeah. It’s a 345 triangle. Interesting stuff. So you can have a little think about Pythagoras and then we won’t want numbers here. We got the seven and 11. Sure. That’s like as a pie number, isn’t it? Yeah, it’s two pies, and em, and nine and 13. Yeah, well, think about that. Nine was kind of nine is not really nine. It could be a one couldn’t Yeah. Could it be a one? That one? Could be a nine could be a one couldn’t because he says 1/3? Or is it nine over three? Or do we divide our way through and go three over one, it just equals the number three? So is it number nine? Who was number three? I don’t know. Let’s put number three. Yeah, just just they’re just number three. Isn’t it? Yeah. Oh, look at that makes one three next to it with the nine is everything. So we’ve got an interesting function there, haven’t we? Yeah, we’re gonna look at pi function here on all the numbers one, one and between numbers one and three, making the pie a function of lemons divided by seven which is actually we say half pie don’t react. It’s 22 divided by seven. But you know, you get the concept. Yeah. And then we move on to the other side. Yeah, pass that five, which is no use to us. And we moving now on to the number seven and nine. And then we’re seeing a three and then a three plus a 10 as the ratios for those Yeah. So it’s like kind of like that sort of skipping through 10s Isn’t it? Yeah. And then this amazing function of pi an A why is that? Well, it’s because two’s an even number, isn’t it? Yeah. And to add it to seven would be nine Yeah, but no twos gonna take all the even numbers out. So seven can’t be added to to two equal nine. And so that when that because that’s missing from the primes, the two function, then then the seven will equal something else was that if we go to seven, what does he say one, the number one equals 773. And then, on the other side, we have number seven. All that equals one, three. Is it three? Yeah, three. That’s it. That’s equals three, isn’t it? Yeah. So 123. There. You see how it swapped around. Yeah, from one over here. We’re seven, three, and we move up the scale and we look at where number seven was, and it’s nine three, which we said was the number three. So everyone just had a birthday that day in calculation. Yeah, I just I’ve turned these into fractions. Sorry. Just to make it a little bit more interesting. You put the three underneath everything. Yeah. So then we can see how it divides those numbers up. And yeah, 11 isn’t is a bit of a strange one, isn’t it? Yeah. 11 373 Pie, isn’t it three? Yeah. Something to do three anyway. Yeah. You get the idea? No, we don’t. Yeah, the number three there is. Is is intrinsic number and 711 here 123 Ones that threes there on the on the numbers. 711. Yep. And so what we know is, is that we can see here that we’re on the one side, the seven is the single on the other side. The single is the three together equals 10. So it’s one seven. Yeah, you see those numbers? 17, isn’t it? Yeah, on that number. And then we’ve got that 11 Yeah. Which are double digit and, and 13, which was 24, isn’t it when you add them together, which takes us into even numbers are so 17 to 24 on both sides. Yeah. And so that’s the that’s the ratio on also the number function of double digit numbers. Yeah. 11 plus 13 to single digit numbers, which is 10 to three, or 10 plus three equals 10. Yeah, sorry, seven plus three equals 10. That’s on the one in the seven and three, which is 11 Nine which is 13. In this system, when I’m showing you these how they translate into double numbers, so then 11 plus 13, equals 2410, and 24. So obviously, we can see something quite interesting because we arrange time in the number 24 around the clock, and at the same time we qualify metres in terms of base 10. So yeah, so we should be able to calculate some interesting stuff to do with how we can unravel base 10 By using base 12 into a certain way from that by using two different types of calculation we would use 03 for the 24 side for those calculations, and would use 0.02 for the other one with the up to 10. Seven and 11. zero squared on the cross. I mean, that’s all I got time for today. You know, if you want to find out more about that solution, two pi and all that stuff, yep. Then it’s an all the other cool stuff that we got going on. You can check it out into My name is calling power. And that’s all we got time for for today. So thanks a lot for tuning in. And we hope to see you again soon. Yeah, all the best and I hope that made sense. Hopefully followed along with a little bit of a paper. So you too, can you know, see what I’m talking about? Makes it a lot easier. Okay, thanks a lot, and we’ll catch up with you next time. Bye.

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