
In2infinity Podcasts

Prime numbers in 2D number space

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In2infinity - 4D Maths
Prime numbers in 2D number space

Hi, welcome back. This is Colin Power from in2infinity. And today we’re going to be looking at more prime number stuff. Yes, that’s right, a little bit more on the two dimensional space of prime numbers now. So before we looked at some of the things that were associated with the prime number code, and double bass numbers and all that sort of stuff. Today, we’re going to return to the two dimensional plane because got a little bit of information there. We covered actually in our previous sessions, all of the two dimensions, but we didn’t cover the number nine we only briefly looked at that. Number six turns into a nice hexagon. Remember that but number nine is a bit of a strange number, isn’t it? Because when we looked at our number 91 Did anyone check out that number from last broadcast? Yeah, that’s right. It’s seven times 13. And so you can see look 19737 threes in isn’t it? Yeah, from that seven 373 and 37 reflection points. Think about that. Yeah, it’s both in there. And we’ve got the number one, there is uncertainty, which you know, is the one part of the nine. So one doesn’t actually appear as a 2d shape does it? So we’ve excluded that one. And it’s not in the prime number sequence either. So that’s and number two, exclude all of the even prime numbers. So we’re just left with odd numbers now. But the first number really that comes into isn’t a prime is the number nine and that’s because the number three, you know, squared, isn’t it? So as the squaring function as a nine is actually a prior square of A prime and those squares are gonna start massively interfering with the base 10 code. And so what we’re gonna look at today is how they interfere with it. So to start with a story, this rule nine points around a circle. And what you can see is there once we start to draw those points is that we can connect the one, four and seven. And you can make a triangle. Yeah, but this is different, isn’t it? Because it’s a seven and a four either side. And if we add seven and four together, we get an 11. All we’ve just gone into over the base 10 of them. Yeah. In other words, it should have been in a way you could see one plus one equals two doesn’t it? Yeah. So we’ve got a number two here. Yep. And if we moved up to move the triangle up, let’s say we went and let’s say we just drew the triangle from point number three, across to point number eight, and we had a one there. And we find that a plus three will always also equals 11. We’ve got a two two there. And to now with the last one, which is one of the top and then nine, and then to 11. Again, isn’t it? Yeah, we’re drawing up other little triangles and what three triangles they’ll spaced out. Oh, look in the last one there. 1111 would be the one at the bottom which is the draw offset of the prime you know, we said we plus or minus one divided by two of the prime number itself, and that will give you those two numbers there, whatever those two, the six and five, but once we add them together, they equal so 11 So the here’s the big conundrum. Which 11 Is it? Is that Is it that 111 That 111, that 111 or that 111? We know it’s not the oh one because that’s where we started, but all of the other ones suddenly equal 11. And once you start to put ones and ones and ones together in in a base sequence, then you’re really going to start to flip the sequence over and you can you can check out by timing, you know, 99999 and all that sort of stuff. You know, and one more moment one and chicken out what happens. Yeah, but I’ll let you investigate some of those. We normally use six digit numbers for here. Look, we’ve got 11 Haven’t we 11 1111 As an eight ones in a row. So we’re in some sort of special code, which is good because eight ones is a pretty much a computer type thing, isn’t it? Yeah. So so we could do or go to zero there. And we won, which is a tiny little bit switch. So they can just turn that on and off. Yeah. So anyway, there we are. We’ve got this kind of particular code, we need to track all three vectors to find out which one is actually the correct one. On the other hand, what we can do is we can also sort of have a look at the number nine from another perspective, which is we have the triangle so let’s call that triangle A. And we’re going to connect that triangle A is going to be that’s going to be in other words, the 174 triangle, or 147. If you like triangle, that’s a that’s a vortex code. We’ve also got the 18138 function, which is the three and the eight that comes from the third and then we’ve got the two, one to nine. And that’s really a nine to nine just flipping over its boundaries. And yeah, you can see what I’m saying nine plus two is just flipping over to that you can see how they flip. Yeah, and that will push the base system along 11 and 11 is a prime number as well. So yeah, we know that something Yeah. And the reason it’s a prime number is because we’ve Yeah, because we’ve just pushed that one over and it’s like the number one isn’t it in base 10. You know, we’ve just gone past that one is gone zero and it’s gone one, you know, we’ve come back around that cycle of me. Yeah. So that’s what the number 11 is. And that’s why we consider it to be a prime. Yep. In a way, because it folds back on itself. Yeah. And so we’re all dealing with base 10 Here, not the base infinity. So here we are. Triangle a so we know is what can we do with another triangle when we can we let’s rotate the triangle once. Let’s say we rotate across and we can make b b b we put a triangle B there and that will fill in the other another 63 points or six points field and we can rotate the triangle again and we get see see see triangle Yeah, as we rotate Yeah. So as we do that, but we sort of notice is that we can we can see that the triangle get kind of gets offset, doesn’t it? Yeah, in a certain pattern. And once again, it’s creating a different kind of circle ratio. It’s a square ratio. And so we can do the same sort of thing. With the fives you know, with the fives we could, we can divide a five pointed star into five as well call me that’s what we’ve done here. And we could make a 5.2 star rotate did it and it will, it will make that circle as it goes round. Yep. And what will happen is each that that circle will be made of more and more vectors as we add more and more triangles, or whatever they are. But also we must understand we can count that triangle another way, which is we can say okay, let’s let’s do this. What we’ll do is we have to missing two on the a year. And if we think about the b Yeah, we’ll be set offset a little bit to one side. Yeah. So if you think about it, what would be nine and two. We’re going to connect that one too. Let’s see number five. Yeah, nine to five. Yeah. Nine missed one to miss one. They missed two to nine. Yeah. And misses one doesn’t it to the two you see there and jump to and we’re going to jump into five jump to and we create a kind of a different type of pan that’s there. It’s got to we’re going through a pattern of jumping one jumping to jumping one jumping to. So let me give you an example. If I started at one, jump one, go to three. Yeah. Jump two would go to six. Yeah, jump one would go to eight, jump two would go to two. Jump one would go to four. Jump two would go to seven. Jump one would go to nine jump two would go to three, jump one would go to five or they reach five now jump. One will go to seven. Jump to it goes back to one. So you can see that’s a kind of different algorithm of jumping. We can have a plus one plus two plus one plus two function on our on our on our infinity function.

Because we can we don’t have to just take plus one we can have plus one plus two plus three. And what you’re going to see right is hey, look what we’re doing here is we’re actually circling geometry. And once we realise that’s what’s happening with this, with this infinity function, we can map that two points on a geometric function and kind of understand what by altering the, the, the algorithm of plus minus one C could be plus minus two plus minus three. And we can go like plus the first Z might be plus minus one. Then we could have another z which might be plus minus would say first one might be plus one. Second one might be plus two. Next one might be plus one. There’s one plus two. And so when we do something like that, what we’re doing is we’re switching between two types of infinite the we have the Alpha zero, naught point five, yeah, which is that type of infinite. And we’re then switching over to the other side, and we’re adding in the other type of infinite the infinite the whole numbers on the other side. And so we start to find that we can compare reciprocal space and whole number space using the different types of infinite density that would be just one example where we can have that where we’ve got a clear cut ratio of the difference between let’s say, Zed one, which would be the plus on the first on the on the even on the odd sorry, if you like the zero if you like, starts at zero, and then when it goes to the next calculation, we’re going to switch said to the number two let’s say that’s, that’s an example. And so then the new one happens is on the effort count, we’ve gone to ever number one, and so effort now will be an odd number. And we’ll be on the two counts of that. And when we go back to the even effort number, sorry, the effort number at number three, we’re going to switch back and we’re just going to do a plus one at that stage. So that way, we were actually circling geometry when you say hey, how long is it going to take us to get back to the start? And as we circle the geometry, we’re going to find we’re creating certain patterns and these patterns can be also like numerical signatures for things. And then by comparing numerical signatures in the way that we would do with other things. Computers can do that. Very quickly, we might find that we can find new information about where numbers arise in base 10 and correct and make those base 10 corrections. So the geometric function here is is encoded into the fourth dimensional mathematic, the actual algorithm of the mathematic and then we’re just going to lay that into nice geometry. And so that’s really what I’m sort of getting at, we can do that with the other numbers as well. But once we’ve covered those numbers, all of those numbers is not many is it because we don’t need all of them. We just need those. If we’re going to do primes, for example, we just need those prime number codes from you know, 1379. That’s all the ones we need. So we can make comparisons on those. And why is that? Well, because we’re going to use the number five as a comparative code. And we’re going to use a number three as a comparative code. And obviously, because number two in number one is not prime number anyway. And so number two, it takes all the even primes so everything about those discounted anyway, so we’re counting the ones that are discounting things. And we’ve covered the number one anyway in this number 11 Because we’re working in set two sets of base 10 numbers, and we’re decoding through that. And we’re going to use geometric function in order to provide us with shapes that allow us to source the what’s the what are the relationships between these circles as we start to split them into infinity as we start you know, you can you can divide them more and more than so much. So if we wanted to divide take a nine and take take into the into the three again, we could divide that space to another three triangles and create another algorithm to match that. So you get the idea. That way we can begin to map what we call a prime number space. And through that find a geometric algorithms that can help us understand prime numbers more deeply. Anyway, that’s our kind of work in progress still at the moment as you say. And if Yeah, I mean if you have any contribution or anything like that, you know, we do let us know because we always liked enthusiastic mathematicians to get on board with fourth dimensional mathematics. And, you know, we don’t know everything. It’s a new field. And so we’re very excited to be sharing it with you guys. And we hope that you know, you’re enjoying some of that broadcasts. Anyway, my name is Colin Powell from into Do join up with the website and, you know, check out more of the conversation there. In the meantime, I hope you have a great week, and whatever you do, take care, and we’ll catch up with you on the next one. Thank you very much.

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