
In2infinity Podcasts

Number 25 and ‘string theory’

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In2infinity - 4D Maths
Number 25 and 'string theory'

Okay, so a couple of messages come in asking about the one over three. Why did we add that to the 25? I mean, I think you know, the music made a lot of sense to people with the 25 notes. If not, you can check out some more things in harmonic chemistry because we use number 25 And that quite a lot. Anyway, you can say the number 25 holds up the string, why the extra third? Okay, so that’s actually got something really to do with the number he in a way. Remember we talked about the number he being built up of triangle numbers. And so what we see is when we take the whole numbers and the reciprocal fractions, they create a density of like, the focal f naught point five so as we go 123455 or so and so the whole fractions will produce a one 1.5 to 2.53 3.5. So another way of seeing that is they’re moving at half a step, whereas the whole numbers are moving a whole step. Yep. So, what happens is, if you think about it another way I can look at I can take those numbers, and I can add the one before to the one before that, you know, if I two to three to four, or five to six to and I get what we call the triangle numbers as we go through. And those triangle numbers in a sense also have a kind of a reciprocal value, should we say yeah, which is a reciprocal sum of all the all the triangle numbers, which actually sums to the number two or so they say, Yeah, that’s the geometric proof is that it sums to the number two, but when we start dealing with base 10s, things start to fall out of whack a little bit. Yeah. So the question is what does base 10 do then? To the to the triangle collapsing into a square, you might ask? Great. So as we, as we progress through adding more the numbers, we find that actually there is a subtle difference between, let’s say the growth of ordinals and and because they’ve got like, 1.51 step, if you like, versus the half step, if you want, but it doesn’t necessarily pan out. If you imagine if you’re talking about half a step, half step because they start both at one so you know when we’re when we’re forward 2.5 For example, yeah, number of 14 We’re at 7.5. Yeah. And so what happens is as we progress through the numbers, as we go from 1716, what we see is the numbers start to fall behind behind GSA. By the time we get to 41 Radio 30.5 By the time we get to a 61, we’re already at 50.5 you see on the on the on the density factor. And so you can see what’s actually happening as the density increases. Yeah, is that this gap between the two is is broadening. And so there is a sort of weird sort of infinite gap. Yep. And so the question is, well, where does that add? What happens to that gap? sort of thing? Yeah, because it is getting, it does get bigger and bigger and bigger very, very slowly. So that’s going to mean that we can’t get to the end of the Infinity line, if you think of it because there’s a gap, right? And so we have to just work out what that gap might be. So we pursue those numbers right to the end. And we total them up, you know, savings, we go through like say 7000 counts, and what we see is actually the difference between the two starts to become a particular number. And what we can do is we can find the reciprocal of that number and obviously, it will be diminishing towards one then so as the number gets bigger, we’ll make it smaller than the reciprocal. So we can use the reciprocal idea then to transform the number. Yeah. So let me just go through some numbers here with you. So we’ve got the idea that basically we’re progressing towards the number two. Yeah, but there’s a little bit there’s going to be kind of missing. Yeah. And what we find is that when we, when we examine this number, it it sort of starts to look a little bit like a strange number. It’s, it’s, it’s 099 is approaching what is actually starts to approach one, obviously, so it’s 099751420454545245. And so what we’re starting to see there is actually what’s happening a little bit at the end of the number line when we see this 454545 In a way you can see it’s like nine dividing Yeah, into Perth into into a perfect, a perfect sort of harmony. Yep.

So what we need to do then is we just need to take one, we just need to minus that off zero naught point 00248 Sorry we take the number one and we subtract from 990 point 997514 to zero and then the 454545 Blah, blah, blah. And when we do that, and we subtract them off each other, we get a new number. And that’s going to give us this number here 0.00248579545454. So you can see that the four fives and the five fours just invert there. And that’s called an inversion. The zero becomes a nine, the X and we’ve inverted it back, like 899 nines think about 999 At the end of the number line. That’s the one all the way 999. So when we see a nine we’ve got that there. But look, if we look just before that on the number, there is actually another number here that’s emerged after the 0.00 and it’s 24857. Right? And we know that basically that we can resolve that with the number one at the front of it can’t we have if you imagine that’s the point. That’s the point number, isn’t it? Yeah. Is the number seven, isn’t it? Vortex code 24857. And so what we find is then, let’s do an examination of the 54. We take the 54 by like naught point 545554. It turns in its reciprocal to one eight and then we’ve got the infinity of threes, right. So in that case, what we can do is we can now do a little bit of fancy infinity magic as it were, and we can start to break things down a little bit. We can start to see that the 142875 can be separated out from the nine and we can resolve that just to the number seven the nine we resolved anyway. The 54545554 There’s the one where we need the one to resolve the seven so we could put that there can we add to resolve that seven though so we become 142875 and then the 898 Yep. And so we know that we know that how eight works when you square nought point nine, no, no, no, no, no nine. When we take the triples at nine, and square it, you’ll see that all credit 800 And so that eight will go in there and in the 3333 threes will just pop along divided into infinity. And so that’s if you think about it, that’s the what we’re talking about is at the end of the triangle numbers that sum to the number two Yeah, but they don’t quite sum to the number two. So now obviously creates a distortion in the fabric of, of you from base system from the perspective of base system, or you don’t get the distortion in base infinity, but you do get it in in base 10. And that’s the third that’s the distortion of a third you know, but the distortion of a third is actually a quite a valid function because it creates a new infinite and so what it means is you can see there’s infinite as well. So anyway, that’s a little bit about the triangle numbers and how they kind of build yet and how so we’ll just recap what we did. We started to, you know, create the numbers you start to add them together to the end, but we didn’t add we didn’t add them together. We as we went through. We’ve also created a map if you like of the two types of infinity.

lf you can say L F naught if you like 12345678, the Cardinals and the density of the ordinals which is a northern vibes. So that’s the moving up, point five per step. And then what we did was we just we just literally summed up all of the illustrative comparative thing, but we summed up all of the ordinals and we created a set of triangle numbers. Yep. And then what we noticed, okay, so we’ve got these triangle numbers, and they’re going to go on to infinity and they try and sum towards two. And then what we noticed there was another set of numbers, which was the as you build through the steps, these other ordinals and cardinals are accounting off blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And we’re keeping track of those and another column, if you like, on the number line. And what we find is at the end of it yet, yet, what we find is everything summing up to two, but there’s a tiny little fraction part missing. And that tiny little fraction pile there we can identify by tracking the ordinals and the difference between the two and finding the reciprocal value, which will also reduce towards one as as as one reduces as one increases one reduces reciprocals kind of reduced towards one anyway. Yeah. And so that’s why we found the reciprocal values of the difference between the ordinals and the Cardinals. And then what we did was we once you found that reciprocal, we’d made an examination of what it was, what it was coming down to. And we realised that basically, it’s not the number two it’s actually just below two that is actually resolving to and in that way, we can begin to understand that the end of the infinite line, we can start to decode the infinite Yeah, and once we get to that four or 54545, that’s the sign there’s a sign there when you see that in a code of numbers in base 10. That’s a division of nine cm. And so when we when we recognise that division, when we saw the look there, we were subtracted it from the one. We got the pie code out of it, and we just inverted the fives because that’s what you do just invert fives or fours. That’s how infinite code works. Zero to go two nines. Yep, that’s normal. The two went to the seven. Yeah. And the base and the code which was in the which was the nine now 10 00 At the front. And what we have there is that is the vortex code, which resolved at seven and then we just did a little bit of a number magic there. And so what we get is the infinite what we call at the end of the infinite Yeah, which we go seven nine infinity three, and that is what the interferences of the base, the base system for those particular then the end and in that particular order, there’s no there’s not another order and the nine represents a non disturbance, whereas the seven represents a disturbance and that non disturbance has been fractured into three. That’s how we would observe the end of the triangular series at the moment. And you can see there that the fracturing just freezes third, and so you get a kind of idea about how that’s kind of working. We mentioned about the number eight, yeah, seven, nine and eight there being a part of that of that set. Yeah, we can put those in. Just so we know. That that’s because eight represents in infinity squared, because when we square 999996 nines, we hit the square button, we’re going to create 100 At the end, and so that creates the extra couple of zeros, and that’s zero can then be divided into threes, yep. or 33 years or whatever you want. Yeah. So that gives us that little kink, which is set back two decimal places at the front end, which gives us the 25 number free now to be represented as a whole number. And for the third fraction, which is the tiny little bit extra in the equation to be represented purely as a reciprocal, rather than sticking the decimal point at the front of the number line. So I hope that’s a little bit clearer about how all of that works. And that’s the triangular numbers and how they work in compile towards the number two in their own unique infinity signature, which is completely different to other numbers that we can show also compile to the number two. In fact, all numbers compile to the number two. This one just happens to do it in a very special kind of way. Thank you very much. That’s counting power, just from into infinity. given you a little, a little bit more juice, if you like on the number e, the triangle numbers and how they work and what actually lies at the end of the infinite triangle numbers, which is why we have 25 plus 1/3 for the pie equation. Thank you very much. and we hope that’s been of use.

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