
In2infinity Podcasts

Base 10 computing

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In2infinity - 4D Maths
Base 10 computing

Welcome to into infinity and fourth dimensional mathematics. Today we’re going to be talking about computers. And how we can construct a base 10 computer that can do calculations in base 10 Rather than binary code and develop an intelligent computer that can actually operate at the same level of mathematical intelligence as the average human. Imagine. Presently, when you look at the computer industry, the concept is that computers run on a binary code. And that binary code has then been translated into numbers, letters that we know in base 10 through an assembly language. The assembly language itself is based on a selection of ones and zeros that apply themselves to a particular concept such as letters or numbers, and we can then map that in the computer. But what I’m going to suggest today is that we can go one step better, because a lot of this stuff uses random access memory. And then we have something called rom which is read only memory. And it’s in the ROM stage really where we find that the calculations, the key that the computer does in the CPU needs that little bit of ROM to to perform all of that stuff. It’d be a boot up your computer in the sense of the BIOS or that rom will, you know provide the the mathematical algorithms that will in effect, determine the speed of your calculation. So as you can imagine, in that CPU if we make a revolution into base 10, you know, it is a far more complex mathematical language, and so forth. And we can do a lot with it. And we can include in that or decimals as well. So it’s a floating point system. So here’s that. Here’s the general idea. And basically you kind of have a very simple kind of CPU that exists in two parts it has 100 whole part and a reciprocal part. The whole part represents the whole part of infinity 000 into infinity point and then x x x, and the other one represents x x x point 000. into infinity. And what we do is then we can recognise that the decimal point exists at a space, you could say between were those, let’s call them like, let’s call it a square and put the two squares in a square, they would have a point where the two corners meet, and that would be called the decimal point. And so that’s the kind of structure for the the Calculate the the way that we’re going to store the numbers. And then what we’re going to have is we’re gonna have some functions, so we’re gonna have some rom functions that work. To do the basic mathematics times divide, minus plus minus, we can do the squaring the rooting and so there’ll be a ROM unit like an Al you that can do that little work with these, these two sets of infinite so it might be like a double wrong one to one side, one to work with the other side. So each one has its own little ROM, so its own little calculator and we’ll be working with the other one to perform calculations. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to marry that with an address manager. And when we talk about we can ever know now some more ROM and other little ROM chip, and that ROM chip can have an address manager built into it. And if you think what ROM chips Do they count from an address from zero? Yes, what you’re doing is you actually count from zero and you count up so we’re going to use that principle of the actual construction of, of how things work in order to form a base number system itself. So in other words, rather than sort of like saying, hey, these numbers represent this number, what we’re going to say is because this address starts at one we know it’s one, if you think of it like that, we’re going to do it in a slightly different way though, what we’re going to say is you can equal 01 Is any 01 at that address could equal 01. And then we have another address and because I hit that next rest that could equal either two or three, it can’t equal 01 Because it’s at that address. And then we go into the next address and we get four five, next rest six, seven, next address eight, nine. So usually that’s five addresses there. And what we can have is we can have a whole part and a reciprocal parts of the two addresses, one for the holes, one for the reciprocals. And if you think about it, what we can do is we can enter into we can double up those ROMs. And we can enter into two values in each side and perform a calculation and that’s how computers work. That’s what we want to do. And so once we do that, what we find is that the addresses themselves become part of the calculative event. So we have a small microprocessor then that it can just process the calculations. That’s the ROM calculator that said, hey, now that we’ve got our two sets lined up on that first number, let’s do the calculation on the whole. Now let’s do the calculation in order to carry over something carried over does it whatever hold that in, in address? Yeah, we can have that as a temporary memory address to hold carry on numbers, which can be the same format you know, one to nine minute sort of thing. And then we can do from that we can take another you can take take another calculation for next I’m next I’m gonna work out the numbers as they go here. And so as we go through that, you know, we might work out to a certain number of numbers, you know, the the numbers of numbers that we need in the decimal section or the numbers of numbers, however long the calculation is, but you can imagine a billion a billion sort of cycles a second, you can calculate quite a large number in a second. So the point is here, then is that when the reciprocal number comes in, what we’re looking at here is that you know, the costs and how we transcend from the base like code at the moment which is one zero into our human base code which is zero to nine. Thank you very much for listening and if you want any more information on fourth dimensional mathematics, go to Listen to our broadcasts and read some more information about the fascinating new number system of the maths of infinity. Thank you very much and we will catch hold of you soon.

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