
In2infinity Podcasts

4D maths and primes in base 10

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In2infinity - 4D Maths
4D maths and primes in base 10

Hi, this is Colin Power from in2infinity. And today we begin talking about base 10 prime numbers and how to decode some of the confusion because you know, obviously, when you type something in base 10, we get the what we call the base 10 distortion. Because Prime numbers are quite pure, they’re quite a good way for us to examine the base 10 distortion. And that’s really what their massive advantages is that we can understand these sets of numbers. So in this broadcast, we’re going to be examining prime numbers from the perspective of infinity. Oh, yes. So let’s begin with a very simple concept of the number one, and we are in base 10, aren’t we? So the first thing we need to do is let’s just do a simple calculation here. One times one equals one, one times two equals to one times three equals three. And that’s all really good because everything kind of works out there on the ones doesn’t it quite nicely. And you can see, actually, we’ve got one column, they’re just made of ones. We’ve got a column they’re made of 12345678123579. Right. So what we’re going to do is yet we’re gonna remove the ones that aren’t prime. Yeah, so we got the one, twos prime, three prime, five prime, seven is prime, and we’re gonna add in nine, because base 10. And we’re going to work in double digits. 19 is a prime as well. Yeah. Whereas 15 is not a prime. 17 is prime. Yep. So 13 is a prime 12 is not a prime and then 11 is a prime. So you see what I mean? We’re gonna sort of qualify then our primes in in, in a certain way. Yeah, like that. Yeah. So basically, here we are. We’ve got our numbers. Yeah. 123579. Yeah. Now actually, when it comes to combining numbers of primes, you know, you won’t find a number. Normally, you won’t find a number combination of primes ends in zero unless it’s going to be a five or a two because two takes out all the even primes and five is the opposite of two in the reciprocal space, isn’t it? Yeah, naught point five. And that takes out all the fives from all other numbers, doesn’t it? Yeah. Seven, on the other hand, is a little bit of a little bit of a different number. We have like, you know, one 717 337 37 That’s another one, isn’t it? Yeah. And 47 They’re all primes. Yeah. So seven is a little bit different, different from number five and just making these observations, what we see is the you know, really, what we call primes above the sort of single digit numbers really will just resolve to being either a nine at the end or a seven at the end, possibly a three and a one. So those are actually just the four numbers really that we’re looking at that the those primes will end in. So that cuts things down quite dramatically on the on the 10 base scale as you can imagine. So what we’re going to do today is we’re going to look at how we can combine some of those numbers in calculations to find out how there’s been base 10 distortion works and and get a better idea about how a number space works. So just what we can do is let’s imagine we’re gonna move into next step on up on the on the EFA level, and we’re going to subtract the infinity of one. And really, let’s just do the calculations on paper. Two times two will be the square of that. Yeah, so we’re not gonna include one on this just gonna start from two so we get number four, two times three equals six, two times 510. So on 714 918. So that’s the number two the prime number two and as you can see, it formed a certain code between the number four and start at zero for there in the first position. And in the fourth position. You’ve got one four, yeah, and it’s got this eight as well. But as we said, most codes because that’s the even number won’t include be what most prime numbers after the number two. Number two takes out all the even numbers. So really, that’s what we call the subtractive function. Yep. And you can see the numbers there. And we can look at those numbers another time. But what we’re going to do is we’re going to carry on and we’re going to go what comes up next is the number three after that. Yeah. And so three times three is where that starts. Because we’ve subtracted the other two infinities. We’re not going to include any of the other ones above. We’re just going to go from three about three down and three times three is three times five, three times seven, three times nine. So you see the the num the number of calculations is diminishing, because we know the other ones the other calculations included in the stuff that we’ve already done. So we’re just going to be interesting the new stuff if you like as you as you progress up through numbers and three times three equals nine. Then we’ll 1521 and 27 as an end of it, so there’s a few different numbers. So these are all the first ones are single digit numbers and oh nine, and then we’ve got a one, five, no, two, one, then a two seven. Yep. So bear all those numbers in mind. We’re going to do the next for the next set, which is number five is the next number. We’ve got five times five because 25 Five times 735 Five times 945. Just five, isn’t it with 234? That’s quite cool. And then we’ve got we’re doing seven Yeah, seven times 749, seven times 963. And what we can see here, you got 64. If you look at it above each other six and a 446. And then you got 9339. And so you know there’s and so it’s it’s quite an interesting little code. We’re going to talk about that in a sec. And then we’ve got the number nine which is the last one, there’s only one equation, which is nine squared, and that equals AC one, eight plus one. So there we are. So you can see from all of that. There is a sort of sense to some of the things that we’re talking about. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to around number two, because we know it’s probably not going to be that we’re going to draw a big box size, probably not that. Yeah. And five, probably not that if if we see the number two and number five is probably going to be created from something else, isn’t it? Yeah, we’ve got plenty options here. Like for example, in number three, we’ve got 21 we’ve got 27 That’s a two two, there’s two twos in that as name. So you can see actually Oh, probably maybe something to do with the number three then when it sort of moves in base 10, isn’t it? Yeah, if it’s seven, there. And what we can say is probably not going to be 15. So you know what I mean in three times five, we can kind of remove that from there. But what we’ll do is we’ll keep it in just for a second just so we can kind of see what’s going on. So the next move we’re going to make a call or move is we’re going to write those numbers out and we’re going to write all the numbers out for each set. Yeah, that kind of result if you like, yeah. And what we’re going to do is if it’s a zero for we’re gonna write zero for the sake of number two, we’ll write 0406101418 And we’re going to lay it line those up in a nice line, just so it gives us like a mental comparison as to what these numbers are actually doing. And then what we can do is we can still say, Okay, well those are the two digit numbers. What happens if we add them together? What happens if we add four plus zero equals four? It was six zero plus six to six, one plus zero, that would equal one, one plus four, that would equal five and one plus eight, that would equal nine. That was an example of number two, and we’re going to do that for the numbers as well. So what we end up with then is like a certain number codes for each one of these numbers in snco codes for the number codes and what we like to do is we like to try and look at things a little bit. Yeah. So let’s say I’m starting with number two. Yeah. And what I’m going to do is I’m going to put number two here at the top in one column. And when I look down the column where it ended was 18. Eight. Yep. And what I’m going to do is I’m gonna put that next I’m going to call it 28. Yeah. So if I if I was doing number one, for example, starts at number one, doesn’t it? So put one at the top, and the last number was B number nine, so that’d be 19. So we got 1928. Next number three, you know, we go through that lot. Number three, the last number is seven. So we add the three at the top there and we get seven as 37. On the number five, engine five, there’ll be a 55 or less Fibonacci number. And if we go to the fifth Yeah, well, sorry, the fifth fifth space, which would be the seventh Yeah. And, you know, thing we’re going to put seven at the top there, and there’s a three at the end 63. So put the three over there. And finally nine, and we’re going to put the one over there, but nine one. And what that does is it forms a nice little grid, doesn’t it? Yeah. And if you look at the grid, now we’ve got like two to two lines of numbers. Yeah. And they’re each going to be double digits. Yeah. So he goes 19, which is a prime 28, which is four times seven is not a prime. Then we got which boils down yet to the four boils down to number two, doesn’t it? Yeah, as well. So we’ve got the number two and seven. In that 28. Yeah. Two, four and seven containing the 28. And then we got 3730. Sevens A prime. Yep. There we got 55. All that contains the 11 Doesn’t it the contains the five yet as well. So we’ve got that contained in there. And then we’ve got 73 is a prime, and then we’ve got 91. I’ll let you weigh that out. So basically what we’re saying is, you know, you’re, you’re flipping between these numbers. And what we can do is now we can sort of see, you know, as we make a calculation between two numbers, we’re going to be pushing like a wave like a bit wave. Yeah. And that’s exactly how they call it like a ripple in in computer code when calculating base 10 And everything ripples through words like that. Yeah. And what we’re saying is actually there is a code to that and you can calculate the two numbers like this. Computers could probably then start to work backwards in sets of two data and start to provide so like a more accurate algorithm as to what more as to hone in on that prime number more quickly. And so then we can, we can actually, in a sense, by doing this process, begin to use these numbers to reverse some of the reverse engineer some of the thinking. So if I hit it, for example, if I hit a number 37, it just so happens that 37 times three, for example, equals 111. And that’s going to be a distortion in the base code. So I want to identify those 37 primes because they’re going to create something that’s going to be a bit strange, within any any any prime number. So when I’m when I’m looking at the prime number, remember we had the prime and then we got the two opposites. See how we can go into those two opposites on the number shape. Possibly by minus one divided by two or plus one divided by two, that will find us the opposite side of the shape. And then once you found the opposite side of the shape on two days, you want to try and find out okay, which how do we find any of these numbers 3773 to finding those numbers, and if we do find some of those numbers, we can say okay, well, maybe maybe we can understand now where that calculation is coming from a little bit more. So we can do that in four dimensional calculation very simply. So when computers get hold of this kind of stuff, you can see the power to sort of like reconfigure our view of prime numbers and how they work. And even what we call prime number law starts to unravel itself and actually from the back end of infinity, because that’s what we deal with we, we deal with the looking at the end of the numbers and how how their distortions work and we try to decode the distortion. And once we decode the distortion pattern of base 10, we can we can layer that as an algorithm and we should be able to reverse calculations quite quickly, regardless. Okay, so that’s a little bit on prime numbers and fourth dimensional mathematics, and some of the number codes that are intrinsic to the base 10 system and I’ve just put it there on paper. just written it all out, just so that you can get an idea and a feel for it. And I’m sure that as things progressed, you’ll understand you know, their four digit numbers, three digit numbers and all that stuff and all of those because it’s based 10 will start to create a difference in your in your number depending on how large your number is, you know, because your number is not an infinite it’s they will have a certain pattern code that will fit into that level, you can start to work back these patterns and start to unravel the mystery as it were. Again, well thank you very much for listening. This has been calling power from into infinity do go to our website into, where you can find out loads more about prime numbers and our prime number curvatures and all that stuff, which is still being investigated. We’re still investigating some of that stuff. And it’s all a very, very exciting world of fourth dimensional mathematics. Yes. And if you enjoyed all of this, you can also sign up to our mailing list. And we’ll keep you posted as developments and things like that, in the meantime, has been calling power and you guys have been awesome. And have a great week and I hope to speak to you again soon. Bye bye.

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