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4D maths and prime numbers

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In2infinity - 4D Maths
4D maths and prime numbers

Hi, this is colin power from in2infinity and today we’re going to be talking about prime number 2d space to lead prime number space. Yeah. And you probably have heard of prime numbers that are the centre of mathematics. But in fourth dimension, they don’t work anymore. Fourth number Yeah, the fourth dimension of numbers. No algebra works and it also means then that no prime number works either because actually, any prime number divided by one or itself will equal the same number as any other number divided by any other number. That’s just the way fourth dimensional mathematics works. But it does provide us with a signature for these primes and border let’s do today’s just talk about in a more general geometric perspective. Yeah, so a few presentations back, we talked about the number E and the E triangle, you can have a little refresher on that. So we’re going to start with the concept of a triangle today. As a prime number, yet number three, that’s prime number three. You could say that there is a prime number two before that, but prime number two, what it’s going to do is going to it’s going to take out all of those even numbers, isn’t it? Yeah. So if we translate that into into a shape form, you know, the square wouldn’t be in there. The hexagon is not in there. You know, none of those regular shapes are in there. But things like the Pentagon would be his number five, and the heptagon, which is the seven sided shape also is contained in there. So we’ll look at those first three prime numbers of shapes. Yeah. And so what we’re going to do is we’re going to look at the triangle versus draw triangle, equilateral triangle. And what we’re going to try and do is let’s leave it ABC on the corners. And what we want to do is we want to see you like we want to travel into space, right? Yeah. And what we can do is we can say, we can go A or B we’ve got an option of just like when we in our prime when we whenever we going to non nonzero time space. You know all of the numbers equal the same thing but they dissolve into two numbers. All numbers will dissolve into two numbers depending on where time function is. And is that dissolving of that numbers in two numbers. That’s quite an interesting phenomena. So let’s call that A and B and C option. Yeah, from a we’re going to go to B or C. And we can go back up the number line, or we can if we pick you know, B, let’s say the larger number, we’re going to be going we can take that and run it through the same process and go down through the number line. And if we take the smaller number, we can resolve back to our original number. So there’s everything about that as an option. So it’s like it’s an A and B options now. And if we stick ourselves on the corner of a triangle, that position I want to see is if we go to A or B, we only have those options there. And that’s because you can’t cross a triangle. You know, if you think about a triangle, it’s actually got its centre and if you draw the centre and draw lines out towards the corner the corner points what you see is actually it’s an imbalanced shape really, you know the hexagon, two triangles make a hexagon and that’s a that’s an even shape, and that’s where we get the number six. Six is very important in normal mathematics for prime numbers. Six plus or minus one can find a lot of prime numbers that way, and there’s a lot of proofs and all that stuff. But we’re gonna be talking more fourth dimension to dimension today. Particularly two dimension of prime numbers. So So we’ve got this triangle got, the centre and the A B is all there. Yeah. So what we noticed let’s go at now let’s go up and change to prime number five. And we’re going to draw a pentagon and what we can do is now we’ve got a, b, c, d, e, we’ve got five options. And that’s taken us a little bit further. But what we could say is if we looked at the numbers, let’s say we start at A, and if we look what’s going to happen is if we go to A to B, that’s or it’s gonna be a similar sort of movement, isn’t it to the option of the triangle, isn’t it? Yeah, you could even go that you can see there’s a triangle at the top of that pentagon.

Yeah, and and he then would be on the other side. So what we’ve done is rather than go A B, C, we’re an A, B, E. Yeah, we just change the numbers and we have this little triangle was squished itself a little bit, isn’t it? And so we get the golden ratio out of all of that. But then what happens is if we imagine herself at point A at the top, we get see the option C now moves, doesn’t it? Yeah. And it crosses a crosses the Pentagon in a different kind of way. And actually does cross you can cross the Pentagon. Yep. But it doesn’t cross it evenly like the square which would create a the centre we’re going to then reverse geometry instead actually creates a shape is it a small upside down pentagon? And if we chose our option, well, it’d be a in the triangle, wouldn’t it? Yeah. But in the Pentagon, it’s a D zones, anchors number four, so going back round and circle, and this time it’s crossing the centre on the other side. Yeah. And actually, so what we’ve got there is C D. Now make the option then a B and A, from the triangle and also we’ve got B, he also making an option from the triangle for options now, just like fourth dimensional math, yeah. And so four options there. And what we’ve noticed is that, you know, we’ve created a.on, the first instance with a triangle, and on the second instance, there’ll be a pentagon and that Pentagon is smaller and inverted. So everyone’s got that brilliant. So let’s move up onto the heptagon, the seven sided shape, and now we can see, you know, what happens is the process just continues, isn’t it? We’ve got now we’ve got three options, use zero to the power of three. That’s right, not just not just those two options now. Yep. And what we’re happening is when we go down to the Level A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, yeah, I am. Yeah. Let’s do that. A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Sorry, no, I G. G. So my Pentagon was a bit wobbly. Okay. So up to G, big G there. And the big G we have, we have we have options that we have three options. We can go A to B or A to G that’s one option, isn’t it? Yeah. Go down. We can go A to C, A to F, A, B, C and F. Yeah. And we can go down and we can go a B, C, D, A, go to D on one side, E on the other. So now we’ve got three triangles. So you see what’s happening. The more we increase in odd numbers, the more that we have these options, these 123 Now we’ve got three options. So seven creates three options of triangle. Yeah. So whereas before, we only had two, you can follow that process. Through and start to look at some of that code there. But what I want to point out that is, if you notice what let’s just take our option, we can skip to now and we can we can go let’s go a d a d, that’s a pattern, the same as we can make a pentagon with that pattern. Call me on the Pentagon, we can go a C, D. Yep. That creates a nice little triangle and that reflects around it becomes a nice Pentagon doesn’t. You see how that works? And this one can be the same you can reflect it around in the seven orientations and become one, obviously, seven, it depends because you’ve got clockwise and anti clockwise, haven’t you? So you could say, one, two, yeah. Would make 12345. You point to the star if you imagine a was a point of the star. Yeah. So we’ll be on the Pentagon and seven or we could go round and it would be the point and each one of those seven points now. And what that does is if you look at the actual shape, it forms a shape in the middle of it that actually is smaller. So what we’re looking at here we’re looking at a number that as it progresses, dot was the dot, wasn’t it from the triangle. And as you progress is to the five that’s the largest shape, and every other letter, every other shape letter could be a letter, every other shape after that is going to be smaller. And so we know that all of prime numbers, shapes of the prime numbers that exist are going to exist in the space between the centre of the triangle and the Pentagon at the side at the centre of a pentagonal function. So what we’re seeing is, we’re seeing phi, we’re seeing the square root of three so to do that stuff and the function of a container for the infinite set of primes above the number five, and it’s that function and is that that realisation that allows you to sort of use that root five root three function to and phi function should we say, to start to establish sort of things like, you know, prime densities in a way yeah, you can, we can use that because we don’t need to include those numbers. Now in the primes, you can remove them. And when we do that, what happens is, we find you know, all of the numbers that get removed from the infinite set then we find all of the numbers that end with five have gone, all of the numbers in bit zero have gone, you know, obviously, because of the number two, so all of the even numbers have gone. And so actually, we’re only left with four types of number that can possibly be prime, and they can only end up with the numbers 137 or nine nuts it Yeah. So with we only have four numbers at the end of the primes there to work with, we can understand the decoding just for numbers. We can we can work with that because we know the gaps between those numbers. And that means we can really start to unravel you know, prime number codes and new kinds of ways and seen as a two dimensional that can in turn be mapped on a fourth dimensional vector. So I think so that’s a little bit on two dimensional primes. today and I hope that’s been interesting for people. Prime numbers is obviously very important in in terms of mathematics, and geo just because the law is not applicable in fourth dimension, it just has, it doesn’t mean it’s not true. It just means it has a different different approach. And you have to approach it through the geometry of the triangle and the Pentagon. So thank you very much for everything and we’ll catch up with you shortly. And money has been caught in power. If you want to find out more you can goto where we have loads more information on all of this stuff. In the meantime, have a great week and you manage control. You guys are awesome. And we’ll see you again soon. Bye.

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