
In2infinity Podcasts

4D maths and Prime numbers pt2

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In2infinity - 4D Maths
4D maths and Prime numbers pt2

So hi, my name is Colin Power Welcome back. Welcome back to another round of in2infinity knowledge about primes again we’re going to continue a little bit knowledge one we continued last broadcast which was we had the triangle with the dot the Pentagon with the five with from the five pointed star and we said those were the numbers three and five. And then we checked out number seven and we wrote hey, look seven has a smaller shape at the centre. As long as we find out what FB is Yeah, FB is like, you know. Sorry, FB as long as we find out what the opposites are, there was like that pair of opposites that makes that thing and we can actually make a comparison between the others as well and triangles. That allows us to have a different type of analysis and prime numbers. I mean, if you think about it, what I wanted to say is if we went up to the next order number, you would find the number nine. And so that’s not a prime. And so think about it. Look, what you got here is number six. It forms like two triangles on top of each other. It’s a perfect balance and all primes, not all primes, but a lot of primes will be plus or minus one of that. Because, you know, plus one is the seven, isn’t it and we know all Prime’s have to be seven. And so plus six something six plus one will be on the seven line. Yeah. So we know that seven can be a prime number ending, you know, it can be one of those prime number endings. The number nine can also be a prime number ending because it can because the numbers are actually talking about naught point nine No no, no, no, no nine when we look at infinity, and so becomes like the number one from the infinite perspective of infinite either number one it also can be prime because it’s smaller than a triangle. And so we’ve got one last one left there with number three, which was the triangle itself. So it’s not that much to sort of work with really, as far as the end of primes go. It’s just those numbers and just seeing how they kind of work. And here we have the nine which is the number one, which is the only one missing from the three and the five, and one and seven. Yep. And when we put those together, the one becomes like a line, doesn’t it? Yeah, single line, and the nine becomes three interlocking triangles. So just as a thought about all of that the number six itself is to interlocking triangles. And then we’ve got two four, which makes the square plane which is another type of number completely is on the even side. So all the even numbers are definitely going to be like kind of square in nature. Some degree Yeah. So we can take that knowledge then. And we can sort of say, Okay, well, what do we need to do then in order to times a prime number together? And so what you could do is you can actually times geometry together. If you place a five pointed star over A seven, there’ll be a certain gap between the points. And we can use that as a multiplicative by taking an analysis of the distance strain, A, the points that are made when you place a Pentagon in a circle. And let’s say the opposite, you know, there’ll be a certain break when there will be a point where the lines cross the lines and every line more crosses a unique point. And so what we have is we have a separate way we can combine different primes, Lissa t prime numbers, and we’ll put the shapes in the same, the same shape if you like. And then what we do is we just find the distance between the two of them and we make the new sided shape of imagine you’ve got the vibes with five times into that space of, of the seven or something like that. Yeah, that’d be five times seven. Yep. So so that’s how we can actually, through rotation start to multiply primes. And when we do that, what we find is that the the there’ll be two circles that are created at the centre there’ll be unique two circles with unique because when you rotate, let me rotate your to five, five pointed star, you know you’re going to put it in a circle on you and the circle at the centre is going to be created as well. And because the circle at the centre will always be different. We’ll have a ratio of two circles, and that will equal a multiplication function of a prime number. So are two prime numbers. It could be could be actually a multiplication of any odd number. But we can use primes because that’s more interesting, isn’t it? Because primes are more interesting number mathematically. And that means we can start to map the prime numbers in a new kind of way, and start to understand how they multiply together in base 10 to create those confusing numbers that you know the rise out of the multiplication as a primes. Anyway, that’s it for this week. Just like to say thank you very much. For listening. And I hope that’s been useful information for those investigating prime number theory, and fourth dimensional mathematics. Yep. If you have any, anything you want to share with us, do get involved over the conversation. We have our email list and various things on our website In the meantime, my name is Colin Power. You guys are awesome. And thank you very much for listening. I will catch up with you again shortly. Bye bye.

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