Central to mathematics and science is algebra. The concept of x + y = z is so intrinsic to our mathematical understanding that it has been considered a foundation of much of our modern world. Yet, in 4D maths algebra fails to work, calculations produce unpredictable results. This brings in to question everything we presumed we knew about mathematics and science, and ushers in a whole new understanding of number, hitherto only ever considered a bizarre possibility.


Numbers and mathematics are at the heart of our modern understanding of the universe. From computer technology, science, and even our financial systems, all have been predicated on the assurance that 1+1=2. But what if that was not true?

The implications would be so profound, it would undoubtedly have a huge impact on what we consider to be the ‘truth’. Algebra is the primary methodology used by science in all equations, which appears to define our universe to an alarming degree of accuracy. Some have postulated ‘what would it be like if the laws of mathematics were to change?’, which most people believe is an impossibility.

Yet, 4D Maths shows us that algebra is only applicable if the 4D calculator is set to a specific value. In this post we will show you how algebra is not a mathematical truth, but only a certain perception of number that, whilst able to predict scientific phenomena, fails to engage with numbers outside our standard space-time awareness. The result is that mathematics as we know it is only applicable to the nature of our consciousness, that is ingrained in our particular space-time reality.  Only a 4th dimensional approach to number can reveal the deeper truth.

Numbers are far more than mathematics. They are the very thing that limits our awareness of the physical universe, a fact which can only be decoded through 4th dimensional maths.

KEy Points

  • Algebra is not a mathematical truth, but a mathematical system
  • in 4D maths algebra only works when the 4D calculator is set to a specific setting; -1
  • A 4D calculator can perform numerical caculations outside of our normal time space reality

Discover 4D Maths

Discover 4D Maths

Read about the foundations of 4D maths and download our free 4D calculator constructed using a simple excel file



Everything we know about maths

The concept of algebra has had a long history. From the simplest equation to the most complex mathematical algorithms of our modern age, all have been predicated on the logic of the numbers combined with four mathematical operators that produce consistent results. So ingrained is this premise, that the notion that is might not be true has only been postulated in the farthest reaches of mathematical theory. For most, the idea that 1+1 does not equal 2 is a logical impossibility. The consistency of algebra permeates so deeply into our understanding of reality that the even the thought of it not actually being true would undoubtedly be met with ridicule.

However, in the rather bizarre world of 4D maths that is exactly what we find. Mathematics as we know it can be calculated using a 4D calculator, but only when time and dimension are set to minus ONE. Outside of this, and other settings will cause the result to devolve towards a specific value, regardless of the ‘space’ number used. Note that the space number in 4D maths is the type of number we normally apply to traditional calculations.

If the time and/or dimension numbers are changed, then any number entered as the space value appears to have no effect to the result. This means that any number, including transcendental numbers like the number e and π, seem to devolve into the same number.

If you are mathematically orientated, this might be a rather upsetting statement, as it begins to alter everything you might have held ‘true’ in terms of your mathematical understanding. After all, algebra has been a long-standing safehouse for almost all logical construct. Yet, 4D maths not only destroys this belief, it also opens the door for a whole new world of mathematical understanding, that is grave enough to give any mathematically minded person a shock that will turn their whole world inside out.

Notice that only the odd effort values will result in the same number as the original space value entered into the calculator. To understand the significance of this requires that we delve deep into the very foundations of what mathematics is, or more accurately the nature of calculation itself.

What is a Calculation?

Numbers and calculation are not the same thing. Let us consider this example. 4 apples are placed on a table. When we observe the table we can count the apples 1, 2, 3, 4. We use a consecutive number count to establish how many apples are on the table. Each count takes a second to complete, and so it takes 4 seconds for us to count 4 apples. If we increase the number of apples to 8, then it takes 8 seconds for us to count their number. In truth, we are not counting numbers, we are calculating them, which takes time. Furthermore, calculation is intrinsic to our consciousness. If we don’t count the number of apples, it does not mean that the number changes. The number of apples will be the same, even if we do not observe them. It takes time for us to ‘count’, which is a process of number, not the number itself.

Similarly, the reason we believe computers can be more intelligent than humans is due to the fact they can calculate number at a much faster rate. However, it can only process the data that is available to it. Those who are developing A.I. should bear this in mind. The moment people refuse to furnish A.I. with their data, then it becomes essentially a worthless technology. The value of A.I. is completely dependent on its capacity to access data points that can be computed.

A number exists in space, but a calculation is processed in time.

Science tells us that space and time are one thing. Yet, as we have often stated, that is not exactly the case. Time is unified, and space is differentiated. We all share a single moment of time we call the present, whereas we never occupy the same space in a single moment of time.

The 4D calculator is based on the simple equation, space divided by time ± dimension.


When we consider this foundation, we notice that the space value is the first to appear. The next value is the time function, which divides the space value. The time number is not just a number, it is a calculative function. We use divide as in our theory of geometric maths, division is the first process out of the four type of mathematical function to occur. Infinite space is divided by time.

When infinity is divided by TWO, it creates a positive and negative infinity. This is the first step toward the differentiation of number, that creates the next mathematical function, addition and subtraction. Once the positive and negative infinities are differentiated, so the infinity equation comes into effect.

0 ± 1 = ±∞

The nature of addition/subtraction completes the final part of the 4D calculator, the dimension number which is added or subtracted from the result.

Once addition/subtraction comes into effect, so the nature of mathematics arrives at the point where algebra can begin to take effect. All subsequent ‘numbers’ are actually calculations, based on the addition of unit values, which are predicated on the whole number units, ZERO, ONE and TWO. From this all other units, including fractions, are predicated. You can find out more about this new theory of number by reading about our solution to the Russell Paradox.

"Normal" Calculations

When the 4D calculator has a time value of -1 we find that we can perform normal algebraic equations by plugging in one number line into the other.

The infinity equation that is at the foundations of all mathematics suggests that a number can only ‘exist’ if it is contained within two other numbers. The number needs a context. By way of example, we can think about a fence. Each post is erected to create a space in between it. The fence panels appear held up between two of the posts. Similarly, any number needs to exist within the context of a number line.

When we count objects, they are differentiated by the empty space in between each one. No matter what number you think of, there will always be another number that is +1 greater, and one the is -1 below. This is the nature of the infinity of whole numbers. It is a process of number, which requires addition/subtraction in order to be manifest.

the infinite nature of numbers


In 4D maths, the concept of multiplication of numbers is actually a change in the dimension variable. If the dimension is changed to 2, then from a spacial number of zero, we will progress through the complete infinite set in steps of 2. This is the two times table. If the dimension number is set to 3 we create the three times table. When we multiply numbers together, we are combining the multiplication table of each number. For example 7×3 = 21 combines (1×3) with (1×7), which at its root has a dimension value of 3 and 7 for each line. When we change the space number we are altering the starting point. In reality all space numbers begin at zero to which sequential units are added (+1, +1, +1) to form the sequential series. Any point on the number line is predicated on the numbers before it.

So let’s recap!

Numbers are spacial and exist whether counted or not. Counting is calculative and is derived from the division of a single infinity into infinitely small parts. The smaller parts can be manipulated mathematically by the nature of adding single units together to identify a value. Values can be multiplied only once established in space and time and dimension.

Now all this might need a little bit of thinking about, but when you do, you will find that you are actually beginning to observe the nature of your own consciousness, and its relationship to the surrounding reality.

Calculations outside of regular space time

Having considered some of the philosophical background to our new theory of number, we can now proceed to examine what happens when we change values on the 4D calculator to any number other than -1.

Let use a practical example. What happens when we change the time and dimension value to 2?

You might think that the 4D calculator will produce a number series based on the 2x multiplication table. However, that is not the case. Instead, we find that the space number will dissolve towards the number 4.

In the above image we can see that the space number has a value of 1. as we progress through the effort values, we find the number dissolves to the number 4. Next, we can see what happens when we change the space number. Let’s use a value greater than 4 and see the result.

D claculator time and dimension set to  equals  b

We can change the space number to 8, and what we find is that the number will still dissolve towards the number 4. In fact, it does not matter which number we enter for the space value, the result will always dissolve towards 4. This includes all negative numbers, fractions, primes, and even transcendental numbers such as e and π.

Additionally, we can take the output from the 4D calculator and perform any kind of calculation with a secondary line (set of inputs). What becomes apparent is that we have found a mathematical system where the laws of traditional mathematics no longer apply. Even the most simple mathematical beliefs are violated. The idea that 1+1=2 is no longer true, once the time and dimension values are altered from -1 to any other integer.

If you think about it, the disruption to the beliefs held by mathematicians is equivalent to the notion of quantum physics, that emerged at the start of the last century to completely rewrite the rules of the standard Newtonian view. 

Rewighting the rules

At first appearance, we might think that changing the space number has no effect on the result. If we were to approach 4D mathematics in the same way as standard maths, then it would be assumed that all numbers resolve to a specific boundary, termed the limit. Mathematics has a tendency to make assumptions when it comes to concepts such as continued fractions. Take for example the square root of 2.

The idea is that as this simple calculation is reiterated, it gets closer to the limit of root 2. In 4D maths, each number dissolves towards the limit in a completely unique way. For each time and dimension setting outside -1, there are an infinite set of dissolution number waves, the rate at which a number approaches the limit. If we considered the above example to be true, then all numbers will equal 4.

However, in 4D maths we track the effort value. For example, in the case of Space = 8, Time/Dimension = 2, the first effort value produces two prime numbers 3 and 5. This result is unique to the number 8. Each number produces a number wave that is unique to itself.

The idea that we can reiterate a number and say that it equals its limit is not true in 4D maths. Instead, we find that numbers dissolve towards a boundary (limit), without ever actually reaching it. The fractional part above or below the limit becomes smaller and smaller at each step, but is never completely resolved. The fact that it appears so is only due to the nature of rounding up or down. Whilst this is an acceptable trend in traditional mathematics, it is not applicable to 4D maths. When considering the infinite nature of number, the remainder becomes an important factor that can be examined in great detail.

The more you experiment with the 4D calculator, the more you can begin to understand the nature of 4D maths. So why not download our FREE basic version, that is built using a simple Excel spreadsheet, and try it today.



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So what does this tell Mathematics?

The 4D calculator radically undermines the traditional laws of mathematics. It clearly demonstrates that reiterative functions exhibit specific boundaries to which all numbers, regardless of their normal categorisation, will dissolve towards. As none of the standard categorisation of number at the axiomatic level can be applied, we need a whole new set of axioms in order to qualify even the most basic set of standard assumptions.

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What are the consequences for maths?

Mathematics has been predicated upon a set of beliefs that have been formulated within ‘normal’ space-time. 4D maths shatters these beliefs by allowing us to calculate the dissolution of number waves, rather than points on a line. When we consider the implications of this, we realise that Number, Calculation, and the structure of number space are in fact completely different to what is normally believed. 

Carry On Learning

This article is part of our new theory, ‘Maths of Infinity
Read the main article or browse more interesting post from the list below


Got a Question? Then leave a comment below.

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Sanne Breimer

A great post, but I find it hard to understand the idea about multiplication only being produced from addition?


Multiplication is not only produced by addition, moreover, it is the process of addition that allows for multiplication to be enacted. In the nature of the emergence of numerical understanding, order is key. Without a sequential number series, we have no numbers on which to base the multiplicative function. 4D axioms suggest the division comes first. Once enacted, this creates the positive and negative infinite number sets, which allow for addition and subtraction. Only once the functions of division, and subsequently addition/subtraction are realised can multiplication emerge. You can read more about this in our post on the numbers of creation.

Hilary Faverman

If we can multiply lines from two 4D calculators, then surely algebra still works.


Algebra is the idea of representation of a number as a variable, such as x. However, if all numbers dissolve towards the same value regardless of the value ascribed to x, then x can technically be any number. In the example above, where time and dimension are set to 2, all numbers dissolve towards 4. Therefore, x becomes any number between -∞ to  +∞. However, as each line dissolves in a specific manner, we have to consider the boundary at specific effort values, which as effort approaches infinity, requires a greater and greater degree of accuracy, until the difference becomes untenable as we move further towards infinity. You can find out more about this nature in our post ‘zero begins and ends all numbers’

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