Zero begins and ends all numbers
By examining the infinite nature in reciprocal numbers, we can ascertain that zero begins and also ends all numbers.
Solving Infinity
By assessing the nature of numbers, base systems, and solving infinity, we lay the foundations for a solution to the Russel paradox, and Continuum Hypothesis, and much more.
What is the continuum hypothesis?
The Continuum Hypothesis was the #1 mathematical challenge set by Hilbert at the start of the 1900’s. It was only ever solved in the negative.
4D Squaring
4D squaring demonstrates how dimensionality can be increased through powers, and offers a solution to the 90° orientation of electromagnetism.
Reciprocal Prime Numbers
All prime numbers have a reciprocal between zero and one. As the number gets larger, so its reciprocal get smaller,
8 Infinities on the Number Line
There are 8 distinct infinite boundaries that appear on the number line. Two either side of Zero, four that are
Numbers of Creation
Are number real? And if so, do they predate the notion of reality? It is rare that we consider the
Reciprocal number space
All numbers beyond ONE have a reciprocal representation between the numbers ZERO and ONE. It is this mirror-like nature of