Geometric Maths – Axioms and Definitions
Explore the foundational principles of geometric mathematics with a focus on axioms and definitions. Understand the core concepts that form the basis of geometric theory, including the nature of points, lines, planes, and shapes. Delve into the structured world of geometry where precise definitions and logical axioms guide mathematical reasoning and proofs. Perfect for students, educators, and enthusiasts looking to deepen their understanding of geometric principles.
Square numbers or is it triangular numbers?
Dr. Heike Bielek explores the relationship between square and triangular numbers in the 2nd dimension, revealing that square numbers are also triangular numbers. This discovery challenges scientific interpretations of space due to the invisible nature of the 2nd dimension.
Types of Infinity (into 2 & 3)
Dr. Heike Bielek takes you on an enlightening exploration of infinity in the square and triangle, showcasing the beauty and simplicity of ratios 2 and 3. Discover the diverse manifestations of infinity and witness the elegance of geometric patterns that redefine our understanding of the infinite.
The Speed of Sound and Light Ratio
Colin Power uncovers the hidden secrets of sacred geometry, showing the link between light and sound through the Vesica Piscis. The discovery is based on Dimensionless Science, which translates constants into geometric ratios, revealing the mathematical nature of the Geometric Universe. Don’t miss this captivating presentation.
Order out of Chaos? The Sierpinski Fractal – Video
Discover the secrets of order emerging from chaos in a captivating exploration with Dr. Heike Bielek. Through simple mathematics and specific forms, Dr. Bielek reveals the process of how order emerges and the significance of repeating patterns on different scales. Gain insights into the deep connection between mathematics and our reality.
Interview: Sacred Symbols to Quantum Insights
Colin power and Dr. Heike Bielek were being interviewed by Nepali scientist and YouTuber Arif Ali. Enjoy an intensive conversation about Sacred Geometry, Ancient knowledge, 4D Aether and the notion of time.
Dimensions of space: Translational and rotational model
Dr. Heike Bielek presents a new perspective on the creation of spatial dimensions by introducing the concept of rotation and using the Seed of Life symbol. Through this symbolic representation, she reveals how the octahedron is born, bringing forth the first type of 3D space.
Atomic Geometry of P-orbitals as an Octahedron
Dr. Heike Bielek of In2infinity discusses Atomic Geometry and its connection to the structure of matter. The Seed of Life, a geometric template, serves as the foundation for a 3D octahedral structure. This structure impacts the periodic table and defines the P-orbitals, and the behaviour of noble gases.
Time around the Earth is unified through Pi
Dr. Heike Bielek explores the geometric structure of a circle, uncovering the connections between space, time, and pi. Discover the intriguing correlations that expose the hidden patterns shaping our perception of the world.