So we’ve had some questions come back about that last broadcast about the infinite density of numbers and all that, you know, the to infinity to infinity minus two being the ratio of cardinal numbers, two ordinals. Okay, let’s just go back slightly, what we said was that infinity was divided, remember. So what we have there is the concept of infinity over two, which equals the number one, which is the first Cardinal step. So number one in the Cardinals is number two as an operand, an operand is like a function by which something occurs. And because the number two then now holds a special place, or should we say one divided by two, one being the cardinal number, and to being the function.
From this, what arises is the infinite set of ordinal numbers in a negative and positive state. However, what is missing from those from the Cardinals then, is the number one, which is because the ordinals appeared one step afterwards, is applicable to the cardinal numbers zero. Because cardinal numbers include the one zero, you could say that the Cardinals and ordinals are offset by a function of one, because they are offset by one, the addition of a or subtraction of a cardinal number, at the end of an infinite number line, reduces the cardinal number line, and sets the number in that particular place in infinity. Therefore, the ordinal numbers, which order numbers 123456789, when an ordinal is when an ordinal, from the infinite set is subtracted, we are subtracting from also the negative side automatically in the cardinal number space. Therefore, we can say, infinity equals zero plus or minus one. Because when we plus one on the one of the cardinal numbers, minus one on the other side, we started to move the number line towards the negative and positive infinity in unity. And everything must happen in unity within infinity. When we turn that equation around, and we subtract, we are shrinking the number line by exactly one number. And therefore, calculating the number of units within that space, which we call the cardinal numbers. And the cardinal numbers are an infinite set that is ordered by the ordinal numbers through the function of plus minus one. Therefore, when we look at the equation minus two, what we’re really looking at is the concept of plus or minus one divided into the infinite space. So in other words, on one side of the infinite space, there is a plus one on the other side, which is on the negative side, which will take the number line back towards the zero, and on the other side, there will be the function of negative one, which will reduce the positive number Cardinals and set back to zero and therefore define that number, that everything will then be ordered in space, numerically, up until that point. Therefore, when we see the infinity minus two, we can understand that it’s a combination of those two functions of cardinal numbers, because cardinal numbers is first and the second. On the other hand, when we look at the two times infinity, we are looking at spatial function, spaced yet comes with a positive and negative polarity, just as electrons come with negative and positive positive reality, that negative negative and positive polarity, which in turn form the space in which we’re experiencing the number space, the space that we’re experiencing, can be go backwards and forwards. And therefore we need the number two, in order to apply the concept of addition and subtraction to numbers. If we didn’t have the number two there, and it was just a single infinity, we wouldn’t be able to move up and down the number line, an addition and subtraction would not exist. And that’s where we call the dimension of duality arises in that way from the Division of infinity here, which is the first step you see how it all works. And once we have those in place, that triangle, then the next thing that we can do is multiply.
So I hope that clarifies the concept of to infinity ratio to infinity minus two, where on the left hand side of that equation, we are dealing with the cardinal numbers, and on the right hand side of that equation. We are dealing With the ordinal numbers, and what this does, it means that we have to define those ordinals and cardinals as being very particular in the infinite set, as they aren’t defined in the current structure of mathematics, but when we do start to define it from that basis of time and space, then we find that we can arrive at the next set of geometric numbers, which is the transformation of those numbers through multiplication, addition and all of the other things the mathematical functions, which we say form something called the geometric numbers, which change the density of the infinities by by opening up numerical space into the surfaces of two dimension and opening up into three dimensional space, these are geometric functions, which expand the infinite towards the infinity of infinities of infinity some infinities however, when we get to the third dimension, we will find out that they actually because there are only five regular solids, whereas in say an infinite 2d space, an infinite number of, of two dimensional regular two dimensional shapes, what we find is that we’re there is a limitation to number structure. And it’s that limitation, which then allows us to curb the infinite and place it into a space which we can begin to comprehend