Okay, so some people have been interested in the number he Yeah, it’s an interesting number. And, and yeah has a very interesting value 2.718281828459045 blah blah Okay, so in this in this discussion what we’re going to be discussing that number you might have noticed it’s got a lot of eights in there for some reason. So we’re going to work out why that might be and and look and look at the number from a more infinite perspective and see what we can reveal. So just to begin with, we talked about the square root of two and things like that haven’t yet. So when we’ve talked about those things, they’ve been very important because they’ve been stuff that have defined the diagonal of the rotational function, whereas with the decision to pi comes out of the rotation and the maintaining of the infinity of one. If you follow the diagonal line, there would be a squishy of infinity and you couldn’t have that right. So as we said the number e then becomes triangle numbers from associate association of the line divided in a sense in the reciprocal space. So we’ve come up with the concept of E as a sort of combination of all the reciprocal factor factors of the reciprocals which means more the triangle numbers Yeah, it means summing them all up together. We did a little thing, just explaining a little bit about triangle numbers in the last one. So just carrying on from that, now we’ve got the number e. So what is the number e? Well, let’s start from the start, which is basically if you think about the square root of two, we remember we could add or minus one and we have to sync with the silver ratio, you can look up that. But what about if you just plus or minus half of the square root of naught point five? naught point five is a bit of a squared number advise a bit of weird number is actually 70710678 like that. 678118654 There’s a countdown after the eight, and so on. But anyway, what we can see is, you know, the way I’m seeing numbers anyway, is actually there’s this they both start if you add two plus the square root normal, do you get the start started two, so we’re in the right ballpark. He also starts with two second number here, seven, seven that’s in here. But here suddenly we have a difference. Oh, look, it’s in the in the square root two version here. The square two plus, sorry, two plus the square root of naught point five. In the third position, the third number is changed from a zero to a one in the one above. And that continues there because there’s a seven always there’s an eight above there. Two, compared to one, there’s always one greater and then suddenly we hit the zero point in the square root of naught point two five plus two. So naught point five plus two, just before it goes 678 and counts up. And so what you can see there is like we are flipping the nine and the eight disappears in base 10. And what we see is it’s appeared there in the number e instead, right? Yeah. So what we’re seeing here is a complex some, some description, some sort of base, 10 trickery, that’s trying to fool us into something.
But more importantly, we’re, you know, once we decode some of this stuff, we’ll actually be able to understand what the number is kind of doing as its and it’s actually quite logical once you get down to the basis of it. So what we can do is, we can start to subtract, let’s subtract the two numbers and see what number we have left. And then what we find is we’ve got if we subtract E, sorry, let’s do the over E, and then we’re going to minus two plus the square root of naught point five. And we’re going to minus that figure from that E. And then we’re going to have a remainder what’s left? Yep. And that is the difference between the two. And so we get the number 0.0. Then we get 11175. And that’s an interesting one. We’re going to talk about that then as zero with zero. Yep. And once we zero out, then what we get is a four, we get a 727-249-4097 squared 770 My god elevens. Yeah. And so and but what we’re going to try and focus on here is that just the start of this infinite diversion, from the actual number from to the to the root to what’s actually happening, that’s what we’re going to focus on. So we’re using mathematics. When we see a triple digit number, it’s quite nice to take it and multiply by nine. If we times 111 Sorry, divided by 999 So you know, everything about what we’re actually looking for is 999. So 909, we’ll take one divided by 111 actually resolves to nine. And that would be the you could say the perfect ending to infinity. It resolved to nine but unfortunately, it wasn’t quite like that because it did and that was the first step wasn’t it? Now if you remember what was happening, we were dividing lines. Yeah. So yeah, the first couple of steps like the dividing into one, that’s fine. All but when we step into dividing to this, there’s gonna be a slight expansion in the infinite in the infinite infinite, right. So like as the triangle expands, if you like and so at the moment, that’s going to be very small, but obviously will turn into a large expansion once we think of it like the difference between sort of a triangle shall we say, which is what we associated with the and the difference between that and a square you know, the the spatial ratio will change. And so what will happen is this infinite tip of this triangle, we’re seeing, Oh, look, there’s a slight divergence there. But it’s only 111, which is just a resection resolves to nine. Yeah, so actually, not so far off if we found the reciprocal now, as we move down, we find the number seven, five, yeah. And so we could do the number seven, find once again, we divide that by nine. And what opens up there is we start to resolve it into the number 13275 can resolve into that in nine nines. And so what that really represents is one and a third with a bit broken off, if you think of it like that. Yeah. And another way of seeing the 75 is like four thirds. Yeah. THREE OVER FOUR. Sorry. Yeah. And that would be like the reciprocal of 25. Yeah. And so we’re seeing a slight break off there. Right. And then when as you move in, what we can do is we can we can we can reduce that number. Yeah. Now for the four, we can see that there’s a four there so we can we can actually push that across because we’ve got if we wanted to make that a little bit complicated into infinite mass, if we want to make that four disappear, because we’ve got a zero there. We can do that. Yeah. And that makes means we can make the two disappear as well. Yeah, because we’re gonna shuffle it all along. Yeah. If you imagine we’ve gone from 75 two digit to 132. So we can change it to one and three. So now we get 0011113 and then the two will zero out the the four will come down yet to a two. And that zero there takes care of that. Yeah. So now we’re left with like the numbers 272727. So that’s nice as everything’s worked itself out, and prior to that, we’ve got 001117 Yet, two to seven to seven to brilliant. So as a six, we’ve got the six digit code, that’s what we need, isn’t it? Yeah. So six digit codes. Quite handy because once we get to a six digit like that, we can use the 909 process. And we know that actually because the infinity of seven as it were, is in base 10 is the only one that can produce a six digit number code. So we covered on that base if you like you know in the in nature of sevens if you like. So, that’s really cool as it got sevens built into it. So we might be able to understand why afterwards as a square of 749 is there I mean, as we move through the the expansion of number space, we’ve hit square numbers now. So obviously, that starts to add additional sort of density if you like, in the in the number line itself. So we find that for example, let’s say for example, the number five and is number 25. And the reason that number 25 isn’t a prime is because of the number five, otherwise it would be a prime. Yeah. But obviously, that’s only if you can divide that number in that’s a base 10 thing really, in a sense? Yeah. In base infinity. There’s no such things as primes. Sounds a bit strange No Yeah, but that’s just the way it is. Now, moving on, so what we can do next is we can take this, do the 909 on it, and we get the number 13 751375. All is one three again, you see how we’ve got that one, three with the seven five. And so actually what happens is there’s a complex when we look at the nature of bass 10 Did from the perspective of infinite infinity, when you start to take the 1375137 vibe, and you start to divide that by the nine nines, it turns back into 727272. So we create a kind of loop and we understand it as basically founded on the concept of what we say is a three intermingling with a seven somehow Yep. And that will come as as we’ve gone from the Division of line into the prime number three, prime number five, username prime number seven. All of these numbers will then start to add that little bit extra on to onto the he function onto the function. And that means that we’re going to now diverge and so what we can sort of start to see is that it’s actually the addition of prime number and maybe possibly square numbers, but every prime numbers and the sevens and things like that, that are starting to create this divergence are very early stage um, so as you go down into smaller and smaller infinities, you’ll get a more and more complex wave pan, which which disturbs the the true nature of number eight. So what we can say is then is he is the square is two plus the square root of five with a wave function, disturbance of primes. That’s how we would describe the number e. So it’s two plus the square root of naught point five with a with a wavefunction. disturbance of looks like number seven, coming out of the number seven function and looks at a coming out of a third. Yeah. And if you looked into the what we talked about previously, we’ll see that we saw the sevens in action with the with the with the previous examination of the triangular numbers, so we know that the sevens coming in from the triangles, and we know that also the number three from our solution for pi the 25, one over three plus no third, but there’s also moved down into the third position, which is what we see here as well after the 111. So basically, what we’re seeing here is actually the How about how about infinity is distorting and so that’s why this he has a particular particular number. And why we see the number eights the number eights are coming in as as the turning from seven states as a 70 is expanding, you can see what’s happening. So we have a divergent function. And it’s quite nice to see it in, you know, to see what how he is working underneath all of that. And just to give you an idea about how you know how by our base systems do distort things, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Just means that we have to be able to also uncover that distortion in order to make sense of what’s going on. Okay, so I hope that makes makes a little bit more sense. And that’s the number three and obviously it plays a role in the pie function. So is he a transcendent and transcendental number? Well, is to transcendental number. Well, from Infinite mathematics, actually, all of these numbers are, you could say transcendental or infinite. So there’s no real there’s no real numbers. There’s only the real real numbers that come from devolving the numbers and the and the functions that come out of the geometrics and this and those these this is a different class of number we’re talking about. This is the class of number that views the number construct from above, you know, it looks at the construct of numbers and the infinite himself. And so we cannot close those numbers. And so, in a sense, I would say that he square root of two, pi n all of those things are representative of infinite densities, moving through space, geometric space, and those infinite densities need to remain in certain ratios. And that’s why those shapes form that’s very different from the concept and we have the Cardinals in the ordinals, which, which, you know, people with an in when we’ve talked about reals, the real numbers are the ones that you know, once we put into an infinite state, we talk about the infinite mathematics infinite state means we divide by divided by divided by one plus one divided by one plus one that’s the infinite state. And when we put the numbers into the infinite state, one by one, they revealed a true number and that true number can be can be moved along as an underline. So actually, the number we thought we were starting with was actually just a kind of fake number. Yeah. But actually, underneath that there’s the real number. Yeah, which is the dissolve number. And so that’s why in infinite mathematics, you can’t work with numbers in the same kind of way that you can like algebra doesn’t work. Algebra doesn’t work for the mathematics. Of what we can do is try and make a translation of bridge, as it were. So I’m doing some of the mathematics there on the to make that bridge. If some of it sounds a little bit complicated. You just got to, I would suggest start to wrap your head around and you can do some very exercises based on you take the six nines, and you just divide them by you know, the, the different types of numbers that we can find. And then you’ll start to unravel and start to understand how base 10 is affecting a number calculations if you want to get into that side. Alternatively, you could just draw it because it’s quite simple really, once you draw it, and how it will look, from the perspective of a drawing will be probably something like the flower of life and we call it the seed of life probably more accurate, and there’ll be a slight bulge. Within the triangle there’ll be a slight bulge which will represent the growth of numbers of a bulge at the edge. And that will be as far as infinite density goes. That will be the access point where infinity is growing along that lumber line due to the density factor of nought point five as it expands through infinite space. So yeah, just just a little bit on the number e. Any more questions on the number e? We can have a little look into some of that. There is some fractional solutions that are quite interesting that we have that also show that actually the number he doesn’t go on forever, can actually break in the reality code should we say and that’s because we can work with whole fractions to a certain degree. And you can express you can express it. He has a whole fraction, but at some point, the whole fraction can’t be expressed anymore just disintegrates into a decimal. And once that happens, that’s the end of that whole fraction number line. So there is some a little bit of quirky little business happening later on in the number of EEG to that nature. And we can let you investigate that. If you want to look into the number he and the weight have formed through whole fractions. Anyway, that’s it for this week. Just to let you know, thank you very much for tuning in and listening to some of the infiltrating information we have in fourth dimensional mathematics. My name is Colin power. And it’s been an into infinity broadcast broadcasting solutions from the fourth dimensional perspective of mathematics involving pi e and the nature of infinite space.