DrP raveena Shetty

I attended a sacred geometry course held this season (2019) in Goa. I must say, it was mind-blowing. The whole essence of the universal metaphysics was beautifully explained via geometrical shapes. It is a course which is a must-see, must-do. I wish team sacred geometry all the good wishes and love!

Dr. Praveena Shetty

Emily Flaherty

I am a In2Infinity Sacred Geometry Teacher level 1. I did my training with Colin and Heike this season in...

James Thomas

It was amazing to attend some of the In2infinity workshops and have the opportunity to gain such profound and in...

Eveline Van Kampen

I met Colin in the Algarve for an introduction to Sacred Geometry. I was fascinated and decided to do the...

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Join us on a creative journey into the world of Sacred Geometry.