Sacred Geometry is defined as drawing without measurement. It involves the tools of drawing compass and ruler, but unlike traditional geometry, all shapes and dimensions are interrelated and arise from a pattern of overlapping circles. The ‘sacredness’ of geometry comes from the intuitive side, containing meaning – the basis of sacred geometry. Here are a few key-points:
- It is related to spiritual symbolism and architecture.
- It explains that all of nature’s patterns can be related back to shape.
- It suggests that the Universe is designed by a blueprint that expresses itself on all scales, from the atom to the galaxy.
- Tools
- Rules
- Meaning
- Benefits
- History
- Architecture
- Sacred Geometry in the Church, Mosque or Temple
- Art & Design
- Alchemy Symbols
- Sacred Geometry Logo
- Sacred Geometry Tattoo
- Islam
- Christianity
- Judaism
- Buddhismus
- Hinduism
- Taoism
- The Beginning
- The Dot
- The Line
- The Circle
- Vesica Piscis
- Trinity
- Trion Re
- Seed of Life
- Egg of Life
- Flower of Life
- Fruit of Life
- Metatron’s Cube
- Sphere
- Platonic Solids
- Archimedean Solids
- Torus
- Hypercube
- Double Torus
- 5D Merkaba
- Mandala
- Design
- Mandala Flower
- Meaning
- Mandala to colour
- Mandala Tapestry
- Patterns in Nature
- Fibonacci Spiral
- Golden Ration
- Silver Mean
- Fractals
- Cymatics
- Geometry of Light
- Atomic Geometry
- Molecular Geometry
- Solar Geometry
- Drawing compass
- Ruler
- Pencils
- Paper (A4 is fine, A3 is better)
- Colours
- All shapes and patterns are created without measuring.
- We always start with a circle. The first compass opening is defined as a radius of one.
- All other ratios derive from this first value and are always constant.
- The second step is always another circle that can be created anywhere from the circumference of the first.
- Without changing the radius, this will form two equally overlapping circles (Vesica Piscis).
- From here, the pattern follows a simple blueprint, where new circles or lines can only be created from the intersection points (nodes). There is no randomness.
- We can only connect nodes to form shapes, when that node is surrounded by a circle. This is because the dot and the circle are inverse to each other. Whenever there is a dot, there has to be a circle surrounding in, just like the nucleus is surrounded by the electron cloud in the atom.