Tattooing, as an art form, has been around for centuries. Tattoos were once used to protect the wearer while also symbolizing a spiritual connection with the gods. Tattoos are powerful, evocative, attractive, and mystical. We often have set ideas about the meanings behind symbols or designs, and we often resonate with them in very particular ways. Geometric tattoos definitely belong to this category, due to how they are sometimes perceived as just intricate dots, lines, and shapes placed together in a pleasing way. So it may come as a surprise to some that these designs actually hail from the study of “sacred geometry”, an umbrella term used to explain the mathematical proportions and symbols that are considered the building blocks of our universe. Sacred geometry has led scholars around the world to believe that an intelligent designer, or “god”, is the architect of our universe. Geometric shape tattoos are rapidly gaining in popularity, and it’s not difficult to see why. The combined use of symmetry and symbolism in these designs allows for stylish, contained designs with scope for expressing a range of values and ideas. Some common examples of these sacred symbols and proportions lie within everyday occurrences in nature, like the hexagonal cells of a honeybee’s hive, or the logarithmic spiral of a chambered nautilus shell. Most geometric tattoos have connections with, or use concepts and iconography, from sacred geometry. Many who elect to get geometrical tattoos are often looking to express a connection to this mysterious higher power or to illustrate the perfection alive and well in the natural world. Plato even commented on this line of thought, saying: “God geometrizes continually.” Aside from sacred geometries use in tattooing and philosophical schools of thought, it has also been utilized in the architecture of places we signify as holy, sacred, or esoteric in nature. Examples of these mathematical patterns and symbols can easily be found when examining churches, mosques, temples, tabernacles, monuments, altars, and buildings crafted by secret societies, like the Free Masons. Many examples of religious iconography also include these beautiful clues to the code of our universe. Check out the rest of our sacred geometry tattoo guide to learn more about the hidden mystery of these powerful symbols, and how you can use them to create the perfect tattoo! Hopefully, you’ll see that there is much more to these ornamental designs than you previously thought. Sacred Geometry Symbols Flower of Life If you’re searching for a beautiful geometric tattoo with meaning, the flower of life may be the perfect selection. This particular design motif has remained a popular geometric tattoo and consists of several evenly-spaced overlapping circles. Examples of the flower of life date back to Ancient Egypt, and some sketches of the flower of life can be found within the journals of Leonardo da Vinci. The flower of life has an all-encompassing meaning and stands for the birth and growth of all life forms, including the human body, and the way these life forms interact with each other. Metatron’s Cube A variant of the flower of life, the Metatron’s Cube is ‘composed of 13 equal circles with lines from the centre of each circle extending out to the centre of the other 12 circles. Artwork featuring Metatron’s Cube can be found in many examples of ancient religious and sacred buildings. The Metatron’s Cube is connected to the Archangel, Metatron, also known as the angel of life. This mystical figure is said to oversee the universal flow of energy by utilizing the Metatron’s cube. This mysterious cube is said to contain all the shapes and symbols within creation, and also works to represent all the patterns’ god has created. Metatron is also known to oversee the Kabbalistic “tree of life.” He is said to imbue creative energy through the crown of this structure, allowing it to filter down through all parts of creation. The Metatron’s Cube tattoo can work to express the very essence of life itself, and is one of the most powerful motifs in sacred geometry. Read more about Metatron’s Cube tattoos Merkaba The Merkaba is a sacred geometry shape made of two intersecting tetrahedrons (or 3D pyramids), one pointing upward, the other pointing downward, creating a star. The origin of the Merkaba is Hebrew, with the name translating to “chariot”. The Merkaba was believed to have been a divine vehicle of light, used by ascended masters to connect with those in tune to higher realms of awareness. The word itself is an association of three words being: “Mer”, “Ka” and “Ba”, which mean light, spirit, and body, respectively. Hence, the Merkaba tattoo represents the connection between these three elements. The Merkaba symbol also represents another trinity: masculine energy, feminine energy, and power. In its whole, the Merkaba star stands for how these energies interplay to create the person we are, connecting body and spirit to the light, and representing the divine. By extension, a Merkaba tattoo can symbolize the spiritual qualities of enlightenment and power or the realization of one’s full potential. Chambered Nautilus (shell) A geometric tattoo inspired by nature, the chambered nautilus is a perfect example of the predictable and complex patterns we see in nature. The bold and detailed spiral image makes for a beautiful tattoo! This shell shape is considered to be sacred because it follows the “golden ratio”, otherwise known as the divine proportion. The golden ratio can be defined as a mathematical proportion found in all living things, often used in art due to its symbolism and pleasing aesthetic. Just like the flower of life and the Metatron’s Cube, the chambered nautilus symbol effortlessly blends mathematics with mysticism. The chambered nautilus shell symbolizes the spiritual evolution one goes through during life. Just as the nautilus grows and adds new chambers to its shell, people evolve and go through new phases of life as they grow older. Mandala Perhaps one of the most popular geometric tattoo designs, the mandala is usually composed of basic geometric shapes, commonly made up of triangles and squares organized in a circular composition, making the pattern appear round. The mandala is a powerful spiritual and religious symbol that works to represent the universe. Ancient Hindu writings explain the mandala as representing a powerful stage of creativity, as well as a connection to self and the world around you. Mandala tattoos stray a little from the traditional religious mandala image, but still look awesome! Learn more about mandala tattoos Genesa Crystal The genesa crystal comprises four circles organized in a spherical cube octahedron. This design makes for a standout sacred geometry tattoo, packed with hidden meaning. Unlike most of the other sacred geometry symbols, the genesa crystal is quite new, as it first emerged in the 1940s. Plant geneticist, Dr. Derald Langham, discovered this shape while studying cell development, and made the astounding conclusion that this shape is shared by all life forms. When reproducing the shape in the cells of plants, he discovered that plants actually grew faster and better. The symbol of the genesa crystal is said to represent full, infinite potential: infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite energy, and infinite power. An important aspect to keep in mind when considering your geometric tattoo is the detail and design, and for the most part, these motifs are best suited to black ink. Sacred geometry tattoo designs are almost always done in black ink, featuring dark shading, though they are also complimented by dot work styles as well. Sri Yantra The Sri Yantra is a Hindu geometric figure comprised of nine interlocking triangles that surround a central point known as the “Bindu”. This sacred symbol is said to be both a representation of the cosmos, and a mystic device, or mechanism, used to guide a person to a transcendental mindset. It is said that if you meditate upon this pattern, it can lead to unlocking abilities like astral projection; allowing those who utilize this symbol to explore the universe with their spirit. On top of that, the Sri yantra makes for an incredibly mesmerizing piece of body art, especially when done in a black work style. The Sri Yantra is a prime example of a geometric tattoo laced with esoteric meaning, as it encompasses many layers of symbolism within its stunning design. The outside square of the Sri Yantra is said to represent the earth, along with the earthly sensations of fear, anger and worldly desires. The four sides that jut out within the square are said to represent the four gateways of the four directions, allowing yantra to enter. The three concentric circles within the design work to express activities, elements, hopes, desires, and accomplishments. The final centre point, or “Bindu”, represents the purest form of consciousness, or the natural state of being.