
In2infinity Podcasts

4D maths, time and space

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In2infinity - 4D Maths
4D maths, time and space

Hi, welcome this week, it’s colin power again. And today we’re going to be talking about time, space and the speed of light. Yes, that’s right. So, this goes into a little bit about understanding, you know, the construct of time and space. So that we can sort of make a little bit of a better understanding of what’s happening kind of thing. Yeah. So as we, if you meant if you see now slide on pie unifies time and space. What we had was, we’re just looking at the Earth. And so you know, the metre and the second are quite important. As far as you know, science goes, it’s one of those, the metre, the second being defined. Presently, science defines the speed of light as the amount of time it takes light to traverse a metre but a metre is obviously a manmade function, isn’t it? Yes. So what is actually going on? We can do that by decoding manmade features into pure geometry. And the way that we do that is we go back in time we say, Oh, how did you? How do we manage to get to this idea of a metre and what we tried to do is we tried to measure the earth. If you think about it, what we’ve done is we’ve tried to divide it into a quarter. And then we took a point from the North Pole and just said, right, that’s the quarter surface of the Earth. We’re divide that and we’ll call it 1 million, and each 1 million will be a metre. So it’s, you know, you can imagine times fall or on the SGB 4040 40 million sorry, 4 million was a volume. So it’d be 4 million around the earth. And then basically, we divide that into kilometres and so forth. So the note turns into about 40 to 40,000 kilometres, which is where I got confused. But actually, it doesn’t apply that well that because the Earth spins and bulges a little bit at the centre. So actually we get a 44. So there’s a ratio there. of stardust. It’s interesting to note that there’s a ratio of the Earth, which is like almost like 10 to 11. If you go up and down, let me explain some of that, in the time delay tree sort of function. But today, we’re just going to talk about the basic scale of how we’ve come to arrive at this concept of space and time. And so let’s let’s call that let’s draw a circle. Let’s cross it out into nice quarters. And let’s call that quarter section in a million. So we know what a metre is. And then we have to we have to really do we have to sort of look into the how we decided to meet a time itself and you know, there are 60 seconds, so we’re talking about seconds with a 60 of those in a minute and in 60 minutes an hour. And so hours then there are 24 of those mnemonics a whole circle. So if we divide the hours 24 hours into four, we get back to the we get to the number six. And so in a way, then we’ve got a ratio of six to 1 million or if you think about it, six four ratio. When we talk, when we look at them, the whole thing we’ve divided something into four and we’re dividing them in six and the six when you map it onto a circle, you know what we find is it goes like six hours. Yeah, you could have 12 hours count. Yeah. And you can have then it comes round after that. That’s the halfway point. Yeah. But if we could divide into that, we can also divide the number 24 into three which is quite nice. So we ate our segments, so 816 hours and then background. And so our time circle fits on the hexagonal, doesn’t it? It’s on the hexagonal plane, but the space circle is just squared. It’s just a square plane. And so that’s the relationship in a way of time and space. But now let’s get back to the numbers a little bit. And so if we imagine we have, you know, this quarter Ark and that’s going to be worth about six hours worth of time is breaking into six and we know that then there are 60 seconds and 60 minutes to an hour. So let’s 360 Isn’t it? Yeah, so each one of those smaller segments of six we can break into 360. So we can add all those up by times in 360 by six and get the number 21521630216022160 then becomes like this, if you imagine we what’s the degree if you like of time is 216. So compared to the degree of space, which is a million. So what we can do is we can take a million will take space, S over T is speed of light is because so many seconds in the metres in a second metres divided by seconds, so metres there 1 million divided by 21216. So that’s the ratio and we get a number 462 point 962962962. So all commonality there is the number six two. Yeah, we’re going to find out where that came from in just a second. And we’ve got a four there and we’ve got a nine there. Can you see this decimal point 962962 decimal point 462. So what we have there from the perspective of the Infinite is the infinity of zeros, minus then the four and then a six, two, but on the other side, it’s like we have nine instead of four. And you’ve got 66 students are breaking the infinite, isn’t it? Yeah, actually the ratio is one over 0.00 to one six. That’s the official ratio. So that’s great a bit of a confusion isn’t it when we started to do mathematics with time and space? Because let’s say we’re going to times that function now by the speed of light. Yeah, let’s times up by the speed of light. And what we get is the number 13 8888888 speed of light we call 300,000. Just let you know just to round it up, make it a little easier on the numbers. But he has a 300,000 and then we end so the result 13 8888. So what we’re really looking at there is this number eight has been quite important as it disrupts the base 10 function quite a lot and just going to show you how disruptive it actually is. Because we can square that result we can turn into square and when we do we get the number 19 then 29 And then it goes 01234567 up gap Nine, zero. Really what you’re looking at there in normal world would be accounting of numbers 1234567 Of the eight disappeared 9:10am to is a function of base 10. But really, that’s all that’s doing is counting all the way down all the way down. And it’s actually the reciprocal of one over 81. And so you can think about that, you know, what’s that? What’s that? Eight now doing? When we when we square it, it’s suddenly making this square root of nine. But the function has been offset. And that’s what’s done. It’s like create this wave and it’s gone and ordered all the numbers into 123456 into infinity actually, but are based in your guides the fact that it’s a sequential number. So what we’ve got then is like the number 888 divided let’s divide that by 29 zero to nine zero, or let’s times it by 290. So we can find out a little bit about more about the function we could divide it if we times it what we find is that we get the result 2575 20 And as we’ve mentioned previously, this 75 and 25 that really is a sort of function of what we call if you put those together and be one imagining equals to one, but we’ve got a little space left over which is two. So that would be called the number 1.2 or 12. Yeah, for those you know about some of the stuff around 12. That’s already good. And that’s where we get this concept of the third coming in. Yeah. And it’s the third the number three. Remember, we had eight times three equals 24. Yeah. But here we have 25. And we’ve actually got a clear split because we’ve taken eight. And so what is kind of showing you there is like can you imagine like you know, 220 fours as you build up the numbers two and four, six and that’s kind of on the on the time plane. And so what happens when we start to calculate numbers on based on this time space ratio in science, is that you get all sorts of crazy numbers coming out. And that’s why we find science quite confusing in the way that it’s sort of decided to, should we say just qualifying itself from this very beginnings, you know, it’s, it’s its ratio function, as will be based around pi CT plays and all that stuff. But we took the whole circumference of the earth we can still divide it into a quarter we can call a quarter and we can do other things and divide the Earth into into six and we can now we compare, like 03204 and that’s another way that we can compare time and space and when we do well I’ll let you have a go and I’ll let you have a go with the quantum calculator. And what I’m just getting at is here you can see we can start to unravel this mess a little bit you know, we don’t have to have these eights, messing around with our numbers so we can stick those on to another calculator. Yeah, which will be 03 calculator. And we’ll calculate time 03 And we can calculate space, zero squared. And so that gives us another sort of perception on how we use fourth dimensional calculations in time and space. And how we can resolve some of that messy stuff that we run into with, with the client trying to qualify the universe with a measurement. fourth dimensional measurements. Algebra doesn’t work. So we’re not dealing with measurements we’re dealing with how things decay in reality, the decay rates of atoms, all of that stuff. And so that’s what the function of time actually is. It’s a refresh refresh rate of reality in 40, not a linear function. It just refreshes, refreshes, refreshes and we can examine that type of timespace refresh, but the threat fresher. mathematical approach which we believe Forster mathematics 40 Mathematics is that is the perfect solution. Okay, so that’s it for this week. I hope that was good. I have a little rewind to get your calculators out vans and a little bit computation and just you know, draw some of the circles divide them up. If I’ve got anything wrong, just let me know because it’s always nice to know. And if you guys agree as well, let me know if your numbers are working out the same as my numbers, then we know we have a number communication. And if you’d like to communicate more, we have a mailing list on into and just come and join in the conversation. We’d love to have you on board. Thank you very much. That’s all for this week. Clean Power from into infinity and the fourth dimensional of mathematics and how we deal with time and space. Have a great Day. Bye Bye.

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