Christian Sacred Geometry Symbols
In Christianity, the world’s largest religion, we find a variety of symbols that often are linked to the Crucification of Jesus Christ. The most prominent symbol is the Cross, but there are other symbols that you also see around, such as the Christian Fish symbol, the Holy Trinity and the dove. Many Symbols are based on Sacred Geometry. But before we go into the different symbols, let’s see what are the key-points of the Christian belief system.
Christianity is a monotheistic religion and is based on the god of Abraham, alongside Judaism and Islam. That is why all three religions have a common ground and are also known as Abrahamic Religions. The central belief of Christians is the Bible, which is based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, who is the Christ that was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament. Jesus is seen as the son of God, who suffered and died on a cross, to resurrected from the death for the salvation of mankind. In his life, Jesus was accompanied by 12 apostles, who wrote about his life, his miracles, and morals to spread around the world, to become the New Testament of the Bible. Christianity consists of four branches, the Catholic Church (50%), Protestantism (36.7%), Eastern Orthodox Church and Oriental Orthodoxy (11.9%). The Christian belief is held within the Christian symbols, which are prominent for Christianity, but are also related to many other religions and traditions.
Christian Cross
The most famous Christian Symbol is without the doubt the Cross. It is a symbol that is mainly known to stand for the crucification of Jesus. Jesus on the Cross is known as Crucifix, which comes from Latin fixed to the cross. There are many variants of the Cross all over the world, from the Celts to the Ankh, a hieroglyphic symbol of Ancient Egypt. The Latin Cross is two lines crossing at 90°, with unequal arms, while the Greek Cross are two lines with equal length.
In the Bible it has other references such as Adam being placed at the centre of four flowing rivers in the garden of Eden. It symbolises the horizontal (earthly) and vertical planes (spiritual), also the concept of duality of life and death. As a framework for coordinates, the cross orientates us within the 4 directions (north, east, south and west) or the symmetries of our up and down, as well as left and right.
Jesus Fish
Alongside the cross, another famous Christian symbol is the Jesus Fish or Christian Fish. Also known as the Greek term Ichthys, which translates into fish, this symbol is made from two equally overlapping circles. In Sacred Geometry, we call this the Vesica Piscis, Fish Bladder. The symbol was adopted by early Christians (2nd century AD) as a symbol, that displayed the secret meetings with Jesus, where Christianity was still an underground movement. In Churches, we often see it is church windows, Ornaments, or even within the arches and structure of the sacred building itself.
The Vesica Piscis with Jesus at its centre, the fisherman of men, that’s why it is also called the Jesus fish. Interestingly, the fishes’ bladder follows the shape of an almond shape, just as a fish itself, is responsible for the buoyancy of the fish, i.e. it makes the fish float or sink. Just like the Cross, the Christian Fish also appears in other religions and cultures. To give an example, we see the Symbol of the Third Eye Chakra of the Vedic Energy system to being based on a two-pedalled flower. We also see the Vesica Piscis in the spiritual centre of Glastonbury at the Chalice well and the Vesica Pools. Christian mythology suggests that Chalice Well is a place where blood of the Crucifixion fell which surrounds the well with the existence of the Holy Grail. We often find the fish sticker on a car as a symbol for Christians, so have a look-out next time you’re driving, you might spot the Vesica Piscis!
Holy Trinity
In Christianity, another prominent symbol alongside the Cross and the Fish is the Holy Trinity. It is a core doctrine of the Christian belief which refers to the Father, Sun (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. Trinity relates to the Latin word Trinitas and triad from threefold, which refers to the saying that god is one, but consists out of three consubstantial parts. This is also known as Trinitarianism. We find a similar concept in other religions. In Hinduism also exists the concepts of trinity. The God head, Trimurti, consists of Brahma (creator), Vishnu (Sustainer) and Shiva (Destroyer), which stand at the core of creating, sustaining and destroying the Universe. Similarly, their counterparts is the Tridevi, which are the god’s consorts, Saraswati, Laxmi and Parvati.
While we often see the figurative depiction of the Holy trinity in decorations, church windows and so on, there is also a geometric symbol that represents this. In Sacred Geometry, this symbol is known as the Trinity, which can express itself in different forms such as the Triquetra or Trefoil, found especially in Great Britain, which symbolises eternity, and indivisibility. The three circles define the shape of a triangle, the first (smallest) 2D shape. Interestingly, the concept of three is also a phenomenon in nature. We find many things that are limited by three’s, such as the three prime colours, red, green and yellow, or the three aspects of time, past, present, and future.
The Chi Rho & XI Monogram are two symbols that may not be as prominent as the fish, the trinity, or the cross. But because of their geometric nature, it is worth mentioning them. Both of them, the XI Monogram and Chi Rho are symbols for Christ and Christianity. In contrary to the cross, which consists of two lines intersecting at 90°, it is based on three lines intersecting with each other at 60°. There are a various version of monograms. The IX monogram, also known as Christogram, is an early Christian monogram looking like the spokes of a wheel. It is a combination for the name of Christ. The Chi-Rho (☧) is formed from the English alphabets X and P, but stands for the Greek alphabet ‘chi’ (X) and ‘rho’ (P). These are the first two letters of Greek Christ. It gained widespread popularity after it was adopted by Emperor Constantine I, the great Roman military commander. In terms of Sacred Geometry, this symbol relates to the three lines in the Seed of Life, which rotate to become the first 3D form, the Octahedron.