
In2infinity Podcasts

The midpoint of infinity

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In2infinity - 4D Maths
The midpoint of infinity

Okay, just a little something about infinity and the centre point of infinity. This is Colin Power from in2infinity, which is rather And you can check out some of the more stuff about fourth dimensional mathematics. But today I’m going to be talking about the midpoint of infinity. We had a few posts on that about the square. But now I want to just think about in terms of binary code, just because it sort of ties in a little bit with what we were saying previously, and Ben was now starting to move more into fourth dimensional maths from the computer stuff. Yeah, but think about it. Binary code. Very important, isn’t it? So imagine if I want to tell you I’m doing a teaching computer about mathematics. Yeah. And, and I’m just going to tell them about 12345. Right? Well, that’s what we’ve thought and that’s how we’ve operated but fourth dimensional mathematics doesn’t work like that at all. It says, okay, is this number odd or even? Yeah, so, we know that if it’s an even number, it’s not going to be a prime for starters. Yeah. Unless it’s number two. Yeah. So that’s, that’s kind of a lot. Yeah. Half an infinities worth of number. Yeah. And, and so what we’ve done is then is we can say, well, how do we know if a number is odd or even? And so what we notice is that you know, we can make a make a line so we make a line of zeros. If we make two zeros next to each other says a line, we can understand you know that there’s a line that is in front of it, we could say that divide that by line zero, but line in the middle. Okay, say it’s fair enough yet. And now let’s go and make a line below that. Let’s make a line three across three zeros across as an odd, there’s an odd number. Oh, and look, the line has now cut through the middle of that zero. And so now we’ve got a circle with a line cut through it. Alright, so we do know actually, that it basically one or zero would have been well enough to define whether something is an odd or an even number. And in computer world, you could say, let’s say we said okay, one, one end of the fence post is one, and the other end of the fence post is one and go. Okay, yeah. And if you look at the centre, that’s going to be zero. If it’s an even number, we’ll compute it. All right, fantastic. And if it’s an odd number, then it’s going to be 1111. Liquor isn’t fantastic. So what I’ve done there is that we’ve managed to maintain a line which is one and if that line gets broken into zero, suddenly it becomes an odd number. And if that line gets fixed, if you like, yeah, then it becomes an even number. Oh, it’s a it’s a simple binary switch, isn’t it? Yeah. So one simple binary switch. And we can just time in half an infinities worth of numbers. That’s quite good, isn’t it? Yeah. And so you can start with a tribute that the you know, we can assign the concept of centre the centre to infinity to a binary and then we can just use that to control the odd even function within a computer, which is quite cool, really, if you think about it, anyway. But if you have to adapt yourself to a little bit of infinite mathematics, because as we start to extend zero to infinity, obviously then we’re gonna have to count the zeros but that’s quite easy because it’s just zero. Then you count the number on one side, don’t you? And you just divide it by two plus or minus one, depending on whether it’s a odd or even number. You see what I’m saying? Oh, yes, that’s right. So we’ve got number counting now into infinity. So and we’ve only had to do half the counting. You got to think very interesting. Anyway, so that’s a little bit about that. What’s the lies at the centre of infinity? Well, it could be a one or it could be a zero, it will depends on whether the number that you’ve stopped on is an odd or an even number. The further you walk towards infinity, the further away it gets, the more every step you take infinity takes another step away from you the same distance. And that’s why the way to understand infinity is not to step forwards. But to take a half step backwards. Oh, yeah. And when we do we get something called phi. You can look into that. Yeah. Or sometimes the function of the silver mean as well, which is also very interesting. We’ll have more on that coming up with as we look into more dimensions of infinity and sort of that at higher dimensions and work out things. In which case, we could say thank you very much for listening for now. And that’s all for this, this broadcast of what lies in the centre of infinity. Or you can find out more about that in our four dimensional Mathematics section on into and do sign up to the mailing list. Make sure you get all the latest updates on fourth dimensional mathematics.

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